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“How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God that there is rain?” -Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Who would like to see a little more color around here?
Black and white prints are so classic and versatile but lately I've been thinking about adding a few more color designs to the shop. I want to know what YOU think!
Yay or nay?
Drop a or a and let me know below.
#simplyyoursdesigns #sydesignsquotes
If you are feeling lost or forgotten I have three words for you: You Are Loved! Never forget that you are a glorious child of God. He loves you and that love is completely unconditional. If you feel lost, know that He is there and he is listening. Turn to Him and ask for to feel his love for you. I promise you it is real. ❤️ Credit: @latterdayjoy
#lds #ldsquotes #latterdaysaints #churchofjesuschrist #love #truth #religion #jesus #christ #quotes #quotestoliveby #light #kindness
#byu #provo #byui #rexburg #byuhawaii #utah #saltlake #templesquare #latterdaysaints #lds #mormon #ldsquotes #jesus #houseofthelord #ldstemples #love #faith #inspirational #followtheprophet #ldsmissionary #seminary #gospel #priesthood #lighttheworld #ldsconf #livinglds #ctr #personalprogress #comefollowme #zion
Wow this is very interesting!
#sharegoodness #utah #byu #byui #ldsmemes #comefollowme #efy #mormon #lds #latterdaysaints #latterdaysaint #comefollowme2019 #provo #rexburg #russellmnelson #ldstemple #ldstemples #byuidaho #ldstemplesaday #saltlake #saltlakecity #thechurchofjesuschrist #mormons #ldsquote #ldsquotes #quote #ldsconf #jesus #personalprogress #thechurchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints
I am a convert. I have actually been baptized into THREE very different religions. I like to joke that I’m going to all kinds of heavens.
After I completed my Leukemia treatments, my family and I started to take the missionary discussions. I remember vividly how much I loved the story of Joseph Smith. I never hesitated to believe that he saw what he said he saw. I believed that God and my Savior had saved me from Leukemia for a bigger purpose.
For years, I relied heavily on my testimony of being literally saved. I felt a very deep connection with my Savior.
As I got older things shifted. I had to start to find things out on my own. I have struggled through the years with the “culture” of this church. Struggled with the people and feeling horribly judged and unwanted. I have struggled with finding validation and belonging in the one place I thought it should always be. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
I have realized over the years that my personal testimony has nothing to do with anyone else in this church. It also has NOTHING to do with the way I choose to live my religion and whether or not others are accepting of those ways. I don’t have the time or concern to worry about who has what calling, or whether or not so and so thinks I’m too loud or “rebellious” in my thinking. I can’t waste another minute worrying about where I fit in on Sunday, when that is completely beside the point.
What matters.....the only thing that TRULY matters, is how I feel about my Savior, this book and the temple. Those are the basics of this religion and the basics of what I want to teach my children. Love the Savior with your whole heart, keep Him close. ❤️
Find a love for the temple and the spirit that is unmistakable inside that building. ✨
Study and find a love for the scriptures. There is so much beauty and hope found within those pages.
And most a good person! What you leave behind says volumes about how you lived your life.
#mormon #thechurchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #bookofmormon #ldschurch #ldsquotes #iamamormon #generalconference #sharegoodness #latterdaysaints #motivationalspeakers #ldslife #christian #ldsmissionary
Elder Holland is awesome! #utah #byu #byui #ldsmemes #comefollowme #efy #mormon #lds #latterdaysaints #latterdaysaint #comefollowme2019 #provo #rexburg #russellmnelson #ldstemple #ldstemples #byuidaho #ldstemplesaday #saltlake #saltlakecity #thechurchofjesuschrist #mormons #ldsquote #ldsquotes #quote #ldsconf #byuhawaii #personalprogress #thechurchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints
Orar por alguien es decir “Te amo” escondido, es amor sin ser visto, sin audiencias ni aplausos, orar es fortalecer al otro, abrazarlo invisiblemente. -C.S. Lewis
• #laiglesiadejesucristodelossantosdelosúltimosdías #lds #sud #ellibrodemormon #conferenciageneral #canalsion #frasessud #ldsquotes #mormon #inspiracion #jesucristo #fe #jassud #sacerdociosud #mujeresjovenes #hombresjovenes #lasfamiliaspuedensereternas
I love this!
So true!
#sharegoodness #utah #byu #byui #ldsmemes #ldsmeme #efy #mormon #lds #latterdaysaints #latterdaysaint #efyprovo #provo #rexburg #efy2018 #ldstemple #ldstemples #byuidaho #ldstemplesaday #saltlake #saltlakecity #mormons #ldsquote #ldsquotes #quote #ldsconf #byuhawaii #personalprogress #thechurchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints