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//Keeping Pace\\☄
"My dad is always working on projects for me to do. He's got lots for me to carry to and from. He usually has some equipment that he either needs me too watch him operate or he needs me to boss around, whether it's a new tractor,sawmill"
--Lee Pace
QOTD: are you a outdoorsy person
Photoshoot for Interview Magazine •
"I am not 25 anymore, but I would love to have played Romeo .That's a character I find so interesting and contradictory"
~Lee Pace •
you can still be the best Romeo, you are at your 40 and you are looking SPECTACULAR♡
(even the mona lisa is shook by the beauty of those photos)
QOTD: would you like to see Lee as Romeo? ♡
Link in my bio to read more about this new interview •