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We’ve been able to provide assistance with asylum applications and in cases involving the deportation of minors, working closely with an affiliated team of Greek lawyers.⠀
The photo was taken approx. a week ago when we were in Greece, catching up with our partners at Goodwill Caravan @goodwillcaravan . ⠀
Greece is overwhelmed with migrants seeking asylum from a number of countries, and resources are scarce.⠀
We encourage our lawyers to travel out to Greece on pre-organised trips in order to fully immerse themselves in the realities of the crisis and get to know the families that they are supporting. ⠀
Visit our website (link in bio) or contact us at⠀
#lawyersforgood #charity #sustainabledevelopment #sustainable #findingmeaning #lawyersondemand #workdifferent #purpose #altlaw #milleniumlawyer #solicitor #legal #humanrights #justice #legalsystem #lawyertalk #legalaid #legalsupport #legalassistance #legalservices #lawstudent #lawfirm #workfromhome #freelance #causes #goodcauses #nonprofit
Get in touch to learn more about our projects, and see how you can help us. Contact us at: INFO@LAWYERSFORGOOD.NET⠀
At Lawyers for Good, we match lawyers looking for more meaning with causes and communities in need, join our community today, link in bio.⠀
#lawyersforgood #findingmeaning #lawyersondemand #workdifferent #purpose #altlaw #milleniumlawyer #solicitor #legal #humanrights #justice #legalsystem #lawyertalk #legalaid #legalsupport #legalassistance #legalservices #lawstudent #lawfirm #lawschool #workfromhome #freelance #causes #goodcauses #joinus #nonprofit #probono
The Lawyers For Good Network is an online hub for discussion and support, a platform where lawyers for good can connect, network and share their experiences of working on an LFG secondment or project. ⠀
We also host events both independently and in collaboration with our partner organisations to promote the LFG ethos and offer learning and development opportunities.⠀
Together we can make a difference. Join us today! Link in bio⠀
If you have any questions about our projects, contact us at: INFO@LAWYERSFORGOOD.NET⠀
#lawyersforgood #findingmeaning #lawyersondemand #workdifferent #purpose #altlaw #milleniumlawyer #solicitor #legal #humanrights #justice #legalsystem #lawyertalk #legalaid #legalsupport #legalassistance #legalservices #lawstudent #lawfirm #lawschool #workfromhome #freelance #causes #goodcauses #joinus #nonprofit #probono
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Just another day for our heavyweight clients to create, endorse, sponsor, and vote for legislation that puts us at greater risk!
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"I am an advocate for entrepreneurship, financial literacy & independence, and the creation of generational wealth."
- Ryenne Shaw, The Bosses' Lawyer
15 minute complimentary consult:
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