lgbtqpride lgbtq lgbt lesbian pride lgbtqcommunity loveislove bisexual pansexual gaypride lesbianpride love bisexualpride lgbtpride asexual queerpride genderfluid rainbow nonbinary transgender queer transgenderpride trans transpride girlswhokissgirls lgbtcommunity lgbtqia lgbtqpluspride panpride tyronejackson
it's funny to me that there are parents that think any form of lgbtq content/representation will make their children gay. we know that it doesn't work like that - ✨
#pansexual #pansexualpride #pansexuality #pansexualmemes #queer #lgbtqpride #lgbtqmemes #loveislove #lgbtq #gay #lesbian #transgender #bisexual
True story time. One time I was at a concert and I saw two (teenage) guys holding hands during the stage set up. And like they saw me starting and they stopped smiling and let go of each other and I was like "fuck, what did I do?" So I just smiled and gave them a thumbs up and then they smiled and started holding hands again. Thought it was pretty adorable.
- Nick
Update: credit to @sedimentarymemes
#lgbtqplus #lgbtqpluspride #lgbtqiapdpride #lgbtqia #lgbtteens #lgbtqteens #lgbtequality #lgbt#lgbtqiapdpluspride #lgbtqplus #lgbtqpride #lgbtqpluspride #lgbtq
#pride #gay #bi #lesbian #pan #ace #aero #omni #romantic #poly #trans #poli #queer #nonbinary #loveispower #loveislove #nonbinary #genderflux #nomattertherace #nomatterthegender