lipflip lips lipaugmentation botox lipfillers lipfiller lipinjections juvederm beauty fillers lipenhancement restylane medspa nonsurgical lipgoals lipstick pout lipgloss aesthetics cheekfillers dysport beforeandafter browlift dermalfillers facelift lipsonpoint perfectpout aestheticnurse antiwrinkleinjections cheekfiller threadlift
What can you expect directly post lip injections? (And for up to 2 weeks) ❗️swelling (Aprox 30%)
❗️lumps/bumps ❗️bruising ❗️unevenness
Here are some great ways to help these expected side effects after being treated. ❗️ ICE ICE ICE (as much as possible for first 48 hours)
❗️non-drowsy allergy medications ❗️avoid alcohol, aspirin, and fish oil •
I always preschedule new patients for a two week follow up to discuss final results and make sure you’re happy with them. •
✨all photos are of my patients unless stated otherwise— photos are property of @drparson and @thescottsdaleinjector •
• #botox #injectables #cosmeticinjectables #voluma #volbella #revanesseversa #juvedermlips #lipflip #crowsfeet #elevens #blotox #botoxforhyperhidrosis #lipaugmentphoenix #cosmeticinjector #bestnurseinjector #dysport #scottsdalebotox #bestbotox #browlift #facelift #phoenixplasticsurgery
♀️♀️ THIS. RIGHT. HERE... is amazing!! Which would you choose? ♀️.
#cheekfillers #lipinjections #restylane #restylanelips #volbella #voluma #vollure #allergan #galderma #lusciouslips #plumplips #lipflip #lips #lipstick #medspa #young #aginggracefully #takecareofyourself #dallas #dfw #cosmetics #facematriarch
Dina läppar blir tunnare med åldern. Dina läppars fyllighet beror till stor del på det kollagen som det innehåller. När du åldras producerar din kropp mindre av detta protein och dina läppar minskat långsamt i volym. En annan viktig faktor som kan göra läpparna tunnare: UV-strålar. Därför är det viktigt att skydda dina läppar från solen genom att använda läppbalsam med SPF!
Klient behandlad av @nathalienellange .
Your lips get thinner as you age. Your mouth’s plumpness is due in large part to the collagen it contains. As you age, your body produces less of this protein and your lips slowly decrease in volume. Another factor that can make your lips thinner: UV rays. That’s why it’s important to protect your lips from the sun by using a lip balm with SPF.
One of the best compliments is friends trusting you with their Aesthetic Goals! So gratifying when my luvbugs see their own transformation unfold. Added a little pop of Hyaluronic Acid filler to her tear troughs, cheeks, nose, lips and chin to keep my Doll hydrated and glowing!!!! #nofilter #shesjustbeautiful
#ilovewhatido .
To see me in the South Bay @oceanskinandvein
310) 370-5679
To see me in Beverly Hills @mamaisondebeaute 310) 385-0643 .
#lipflip #lipfiller #aesthetics #imjustchangingfacesthatsall #dontknockittillyoutryit #newbeauty #alittleofthisalittleofthat #magichands #nosurgery #botox #revanesse #juvaderm #restylanelyft #restylane
A little top up for my beautiful client with premium long lasting filler These photos were taken directly after treatment. .
#CosmeticNurseStacey #laserclinicsaustralia #pacificfair #robina #advancedantiwrinkleinjections #kimkardashian #kyliejenner #chinsculpting #cheeksculpting #jawsculpting #lipaugmentation #fatdissolving #jawslimming #lipfillers #eyebrowlift #chindimpling #lipflip #marionettelines #dermalfillers #teethgrinding #filler #antiwrinkle #lips #cheekycheeks #goldcoast #cosmeticinjector #goldcoastinjectables #poutperfector #goldcoastinjector #lipenvy