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Here is a picture I took a couple weeks ago just after sunrise. Neat.
In other news - if you are a Frank Ocean fan check out season 3 of @dissectpodcast on Channel Orange and Blond. It’s dope af. (As are seasons 1 & 2 on TPAB and MBDTF) #srsly #checkitout #notsponsored #genuinleyafan #listentomoremusic #andpodcasts
Mix Tape No2...B side
Music is the Answer...
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#rufusdusol #hypnotized #mixtape #flipside #foryou #musicalldaylong #musicislove #musicinmysoul #ivewaited #years #musicandlyrics #foryoumydear #musicheals #musicislove #likeiwas #home #allmusic #musicislife #followme #deeperanddown #playmoremusic #ourlove #listentomoremusic #iwillgiveitall #foryou #allnightlong #onelife
This weeks listening is #metallica never listened to one of their albums before so I thought I’d give it a go and go one gauge heavier from last weeks album. #theblackalbum #metal #entersandman #classicalbums #albumsnotsingles #jameshetfield #larsulrich #kirkhammett #nothingelsematters #newtome #listentomoremusic #spotify #spotifypremium #90smusic