lovelivingthings crazymoms loveanimals vegan dallastx green instagramdogs love lovenature plants eatwhatyoulove feelbetter foodies healthy nature olaiva plantfueld punjab standardpoodles tricity catface catfamily catlife catlove catlover catloversclub catoftheday cats catsilence catsneedlife stophurtingcats
"When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realise one cannot eat money" I have shared these words before but tonight I'm sharing them again in solidarity with the Extinction Rebellion. A bit of disruption to everyday life is nothing in comparison to the global emergency we are facing. If you want to support their work you can make a donation via their website.
Oh and here's a new pattern because living things are pretty amazing!!
#extinctionrebellion #climatechange #rebelforlife #savelife #lovelivingthings #noplanetb #moths #illustration #art #patternforlife
Marah.. •
Liat bbrp postingan beberapa hari ini dan sampai malam ini pun masih ada, plisss... Tolong! Setidaknya klo kalian ga suka jangan siksa dan sakiti mereka.. DIMANA HATI NURANI MU!!!! Mereka juga butuh hidup seperti kita, gimana kalo kalian jadi mereka... #donthurtcats #stophurtingcats #theyalsoneedtolivelikeus
Berilah makan dan minum apabila hewan itu lapar dan haus, sebab Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam telah bersabda: "Sayangilah yg ada di bumi, niscaya yg dilangit akan menyayangimu." (HR. Abu Daud, 4941)
"Pada setiap yg mempunyai hati yg basah (hewan) itu terdapat pahala (dlm berbuat baik kepadaNya)." (HR. Al Bukhari, 2363)
#saveanimals #savecats #catlife #hadits #selfreminder #saveourcats #cats #catsneedlife #catlover #catworld #catstory #screamofcats #catsilence #catstagram #catfamily #catsofinstagram #catface #catloversclub #catsoftheworld #catlove #cutecat #catoftheday #lovelivingthings
It's so sad... Something like this makes me sceptical about human's civilization and feel rather to get back to ancient culture when human respect living creature.
#Repost from @deep with ... This tears me apart
Follow @deep (me) for more!
#deep #earth #chick #sad
I’m wallowing in this season change •
#october #winterisalmosthere #sanjuanmountains #rainymountains #aspentrees #mybackyard #weekendadventures #explorethemountains #seasonchange #energychange #internalchange #lifeinthemountains #durangocolorado #cannabliss #snowboardseason #mountaingirls #coldweather #coloradolove #mountainview #peace #natureshealing #getoutside #weareone #reapectnature #hikecolorado #lovelivingthings #fall #winter #ibelonginthemountains