livon lovelylivvy olivianewtonjohn thriver actress aussie australian grease grease40 hollywood kira livvy magic oldhollywood sandyolsson singer songwriter twistoffate twoofakind xanadu throwback oldschool olivianewtonjohnforever 1970s johntravolta seventies olivianewtonjohn
“Geez you really look like Olivia Newton-John, people must tell you that all the time”
@therealonj #olivianewtonjohn #onj #interview #funny #grease #grease40 #sandyolsson #xanadu #magic #kira #twoofakind #twistoffate #hollywood #oldhollywood #aussie #australian #singer #songwriter #actress #lovelylivvy #livvy #livon #thriver
“Xanadu your neon lights will shine”
@therealonj #olivianewtonjohn #onj #physical #physicaltour #letsgetphysical #1980s #80s #eighties #grease #grease40 #sandyolsson #xanadu #magic #kira #twoofakind #twistoffate #aussie #australian #singer #songwriter #actress #oldhollywood #lovelylivvy #livvy #livon #thriver
You r really glowing, our queen @therealonj .. continue recuperating and thank you for taking the time to assure your fans how you’re doing. We honestly love you @therealonj and will continue praying for u. #olivianewtonjohn #olivianewtonjohnforever #olivianewtonjohnofficial #olivianewtonjohnfans #olivianewtonjohnfanphilippines #multitalentedartist #multigrammywinner #multiawardedartist #ihonestlyloveyouolivianewtonjohn #hopelesslydevotedtoolivianewtonjohn #lovelylivvy #livvyholic #onj #thriver #australian
“Can I trust your arms” - some may already know this but for those who don’t know.. Olivia’s daughter Chloe wrote the lyrics to this beautiful song ♥️
@therealonj #olivianewtonjohn #onj #chloelattanzi #canitrustyourarms #sydneyopreahouse #grease #grease40 #sandyolsson #xanadu #magic #kira #twoofakind #twistoffate #aussie #australian #singer #songwriter #actress #lovelylivvy #livvy #livon #thriver