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❤️ I love this quote! Love really is an energy and we *are* love - it's not something we can only get from others, it's what our souls are 'made of'. This is the 'miracle' that will transform all our relationships with others too - to function from love within. Your relationship with yourself is the blueprint for your connection with your twin flame. That's the #TwinFlameMirror. Spirit recently had me channel a brand new energy transformation session focusing on this: upgrading the heart chakra and helping Twins download and embrace the new templates of self acceptance and self love, opening up the Twin Flame heart bond once more. We also communicate directly with your twin's soul to resolve any blocks and hurts on their side of the connection and sow new seeds of positive manifestation for your future path, uplifting your timelines and clearing out old patterns of disharmony. Go to the link in bio to discover more. It's called the 'higher heart transformation journey' x ❤️❤️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Need answersHave you been questioning your decisions lately? Falling for the wrong one? Do you need guidance in your life? Amy at @PsychicChakraReadings can help answer any question that is confusing you. Amy at @PsychicChakraReadings has 25+yrs of experience Amy is genuine honest and caring, 99% Accurate she is spot on. She has been guiding people with undeniable success, Amy tells you your past, present, and future. Amy can confirm anything you’re feeling unsure of. Call/text/DM A true psychic today for a better tomorrow 1-702-551-1502 #psychic #psychics #psychicreadings #lovepsychic #spiritualhealer #chakra #tarotcards #crystalhealing #healing #medium #clairvoyant #lovereading #imreadytogethurt #imready #fuckboys #nottodaysatan #exesbelike #goawaynow
Put your hand on your own heart and say 'I love myself. I love me. I give myself permission to love and be loved blissfully, wholly, happily...' Notice how your emotions and energy react. Self love is the key to all our other relationships in life. You deserve your own love and acceptance just as much as others do. Today I'm here to remind you that you're good enough! You are worthy. How does that make you feel? If objections come up, it's fear based ego patterns - you can choose to not listen. Every day, choose that you are enough. I believe in you! x Cassady
Twin Flames show up in each other’s lives in “divine timing” - you can draw them in consciously by activating your bond and connecting with their soul (free guided meditation to do this in link in bio), but know that you’re never doing anything “wrong”. It can never be “not the right time” because your souls’ paths are intertwined. Your Twin shows up when the time is right, and so do any “false twins” or soul mates. Everyone we come into contact with is for a reason❤️❤️ (For more info on Twin Flames - follow @twin_flames_1111✨)