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I am so Happy, bc I have waited so long to try some products from @hawaiian_healing and I finally got the chance too, let me tell you it was more than worth the wait. Although I wont be waiting long to try out more of their lovely organic goodies.
Today I’m introducing you too two wonderful body products the Kiokio Coconut Beauty Bar soap and the Natural Coconut Scented Silk Hydrating Body Lotion.
I’ve been using both of these for about two weeks and I can’t get enough of either of them. The beauty bar is luxurious it’s lathers up into s nice sudsy foam and leaves your skin soft and very hydrated. 100% natural, only organically grown ingredients the Coconut body lotion leaves you with soft as silk skin that feels smooth as butter and is perfectly moisturized, it’s exactly everything I knew it would be and more!! They both have an amazing coconut milk scent thats so pleasant it awakens your senses while not being overbearing in the least! Go check out and find you some delish coconut goodies!!!
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Аккаунт с мылением @soap_water_unicorn
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Сушила сама, поэтому не помню, что за мыло ☹️
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Аккаунт с мылением @soap_water_unicorn
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Спасибо каждому из вас)) Ну а на видео структурное мыло от Весны если честно, думала, что будет суше, но так тоже неплохо)
Аккаунт с мылением @soap_water_unicorn
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Быть волшебницей просто доставая утром мыло из формы от @bysteso и даже если бурный гель испортил полоску - не беда разрежу мыло по другому и все будет Ок #натуральноемыло #мыловарениеснуля #мыловподарок #мылонатуральное #handmadesoaps #мыловары
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