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Kami meminta @hamishdw seorang presenter, aktor dan pecinta lingkungan yang baru saja menjadi seorang ayah, untuk menulis surat kepada putrinya di masa depan.
Surat untuk masa depan ini berisi doa dan harapan yang menunjukkan betapa besar cinta seorang ayah kepada anaknya, yang melebihi cinta kepada diri sendirinya. Ia tidak hanya membesarkan anaknya dengan penuh cinta, namun juga mendidik dan membentuknya agar menjadi seseorang berhasil di masa depannya.
Melalui video ini, kami mengajak semua orangtua untuk melindungi masa depan mereka yang kamu sayangi, dengan memiliki perlindungan jiwa Flexi Life dari Astra Life, yang memberikan perlindungan jiwa hingga 5 Miliar tanpa cek medis, yang bisa dibeli langsung di
Kami tidak menyebutnya asuransi. Kami menyebutnya cinta. #LoveThatLasts
#LoveLife #AturSendiri #FlexiLife
Kami meminta @alodita seorang fashion and beauty blogger untuk menulis surat kepada anaknya Aura di masa yang akan datang.
Surat untuk masa depan ini berisi doa dan harapan yang menunjukan betapa besar cinta seorang ibu kepada anaknya, melebihi cinta kepada dirinya sendiri. Ia akan rela melakukan apapun demi kebahagiaan anaknya tidak hanya saat ini namun hingga masa depannya.
Melalui video ini, kami mengajak semua orang tua untuk melindungi masa depan mereka yang kamu sayangi, dengan memiliki perlindungan Flexi Life dari @astralifeID yang memberikan perlindungan jiwa hingga 5 Miliar tanpa cek medis, yang bisa dibeli langsung di
Mencintai seseorang bukan berarti hanya melihat apa yang mereka perlukan saat ini, tapi juga apa yang mereka perlukan di masa yang akan datang, terutama jika kita sudah tidak bisa ada untuk mereka.
Kami tidak menyebutnya asuransi. Kami menyebutnya cinta.
#LoveLife #AturSendiri #FlexiLife
siang-siang nonton ini inspiring banget, aku langsung ikutan mikir, apa yg aku persiapkan utk Une dan Ayra dalam 20 tahun ke depan sudah cukup? bahkan aku selalu mikir, apa aku masih ada buat nemenin mereka sampai mereka besar nanti? rasanya memang benar, asuransi adalah bentuk cinta utk anak, demi melindungi masa depan anak yg kita impikan untuknya #LoveThatLasts
untuk perlindungan jiwa, aku pilih #FlexiLife dari Astra Life @AstraLifeID yg memberikan perlindungan jiwa hingga 5 miliar, tanpa cek medis dan bisa dibeli online di oiya, untuk usiaku sekarang, perlindungan Rp 1 Miliar, per bulannya hanya Rp 147.000. so affordable yet meaningful ⭐️
Reposted from @liveyourbestmarriage - “Make it known everywhere you go that you are married, and avoid people who flirt.”
Just started a new job? Just moved? Taking a class?
When you make it CLEAR that you are married and avoid flirtatious coworkers or classmates, you have just made your family even stronger.
Ps- We wrote a free ebook.
Download "99 Ways to Show Love to Your Spouse"
Get your free copy using the link in our bio.
For more marriage tips follow @liveyourbestmarriage
#couplegoals - #regrann
one day, i met a very special prince. he took my heart away. i never knew that love could feel so deep. until i met him. and he was you.
Ibu sayang sekali sama Abang Une (dan tentunya Kakak Ayra juga). Terimakasih sudah memilih Ibu jadi ibunya kalian ya. Terimakasih sudah datang ke hidup Ibu dan mengisi hidup Ibu dengan tawa kalian. Let me give you the best of me ❤ #LoveThatLasts #FlexiLife @astralifeid @verrapressila @virginiandanti @putriannisa_put
ayo share momen bareng buah hati dan ikuti kompetisi Sound of Love Project dari Astra Life! dapatkan hadiah utama Samsung Galaxy S10 dan hadiah mingguan E-voucher Tokopedia. kunjungi dan @astralifeid utk info lebih lanjut!
Being on the same level > ⠀⠀
Having a clear understanding about what you want in your own life will set clear boundaries for relationships❤️ It's not an overnight process though - it takes some experience and possibly a few disappointments to get there! What’s one thing you require in your relationships Image// @aaronwhitela & @viergeniwhitela #blacklove #understanding #reallove #knowyourselffirst #lovethatlasts
Think a picture is worth a thousand words? Think again. We believe in the power of sound. The ear long remembers what the eye soon forgets. Introducing, #LoveThatLasts, our latest work for @astralifeid. A digital activation which invites you to record the sound of your loved one which we're pretty sure will trigger limitless feeling, from your baby daughters first coos, your son's first big laugh, to your spouse's snoring. You can still join as it's still open until the end of this month. Hit the link on our bio to enter before its too late. Cant wait to listen to those precious recordings! #flexilife #MaknaCreative
An honor & joy got be on the other side of the lens. WE’RE MARRIED! Officially two Wong’s running The Wong Lens and planted in Massachusetts! A HUGE thank you to @alexaannphoto for being our inspiration, mentor, and wedding photographer. We adore you. A special thank you to our patient clients as we get back to business!
It's a fact of life that I am BIG on presents ( to be honest, I think most women are). Don't get it twisted, I give as good as I get so the same way I love to receive BIG, I also love to give BIG!
Cue Mother's Day (2018) and I am expectant, after all I just had our second daughter and I thought Mother's Day would be foremost on Ayo's mind to celebrate me. Michaela (Our 1st) presents the gift to me ( as has been our tradition since she became more aware of the day) and I open in front of them with a big smile on my face . A Bath Set A Bath Set A BATH SET
Honestly I was shocked - firstly I don't like bath sets ( same way I am not into fluffy toys - my hubby knows this). Secondly and most importantly - I thought I deserved more
Like did he forget? did he not care? Am I not worth celebrating? Do I smell ( you know that split milli second where a million scenarios and reactions go through you mind). ........ Thank God I used wisdom to chill and reflect, I made excuses instead of making trouble. "He usually always gets my gifts right " " it's the thought that counts" " he really hasn't had time for himself lately" and when reflecting and thinking about these excuses - they were actually true! I couldn't remember the last evening he had to do anything for himself as I had asked him to do one thing or another before and since Mayah came.
Imagine if I had flared up because of bath set I am actually laughing to myself now because I was really not happy at the time.
We can make excuses for our partners AND I am not talking about excusing bad behaviour ( we know what's right and wrong). I am talking about giving leeway when someone who has a good track record has a dip in performance - it happens to us all. That reminds me of a time when I gave hubby an " I owe you" for his birthday that's a story for another post...
#ayope #lovelastingrelationships #lovethatlasts #makingexcuses #lovecoversall #loveispatient #makinglovework