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️Liam Harrison demonstrating what to do if someone is blocking your leg kick. .
A nice way to set up a counteraction against their defence and to get their leg back down for some chopping ⚒️
Reposted from @liambadco @yokkao
Liamharrisontraining.com ️Tag a friend
___________________________________ #liamharrisontraining #kickofthelegkick #MuayThaiTips #MuayThai #NakMuay #ThaiBoxing #Fighter #Thaiboxer #LowKick #ThaiFighter #FightTips #Champions #MuayThaiTraining #Power #MuayThaiLifeStyle #ThaiStyle #Thailand #Champ #Tips #Technique
#Balance and control shouldn’t be treated just as an out come of general training....u should set them as an important goal for you to conquer! try to challenge your balance while you train, especially when u kick. Reset your mind to “balance” instead of “power”. Without balance your power will be useless and you will get punished. .
. #thaiboxing #muaythai #muaythaiboxing #muaythailifestyle #mmatraining #roundkick #muaythaitraining #muaythailife #mmatraining #heavybag #emptymind #muaythaiboxing #אימונים #sanda #nakmuay #nakmuaythai #karatekyokushin #martialartstricking #martialartslife #אימוניםאישיים #punchingbag #אימוןאישי #אימון #kyokushin #kyokushinkai #lowkick #lowkicks #kickboxing #kickboxingclass
Shaolin Monk vs Muay Thai Legend •
Buakaw vs Yi Long |
@martial_arts01 |
#muaythai #kickboxing #kungfu #muaythailife #kungfu #karate #martialarts #lowkick #mma
#boxing #thaiboxing #bjj #muaythaifighter
#muaythaikickboxing #taekwondo #martialartist #buakaw #muaythaitradicional
#muaythaifamily #boxethai #mixedmartialarts
Clip from a seminar last year with my friend Sacha at @ottawafightandfitness just confirmed I’ll be back in Canada in August with seminars confirmed in Ottawa, Montreal Toronto and I think Calgary, @josh_harleymuaythai has all the details so if your interested in attending or getting me to your gym he’s the man to see. #muaythai #seminar #canada #lowkick #liamharrisontraining
If you get a Private I’ll dance for you. Speaking low kicks with @count_raulio Ok I know I’m a bit ridiculous ...but still, fighting is just another form of dancing so whatever. ♀️ @vigilantveggie is the or I call it STALKER. @tashsultanaofficial is movin’ my soul ✨✨ @wodgear covers my #sorrynotsorry #whip #slings #bridgethegap #parallels #play #runningman #80skid #muaythai #lowkick @ralphgraciesanfrancisco
Buakaw - training !
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@martial_arts01 . .
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@buakaw1 . .
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#muaythai #muaythailife #muaythaifighter #buakaw #lowkick #muaythaitraining #nakmuay #martialarts #champion #muaythaikick #thaiboxing #muaythaiboxing
#kickboxing #muaythaifitness #muaythailifestyle #lowkicks #martialartist #kickbox #muaythaiwarrior #thaiboxer