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#ParceirosRealize Quer resultados rápidos em seus estudos?
A Language Studies International é uma das nossas escolas parceiras!
Estude outro idioma em uma das escolas LSI espalhadas pelo mundo, pioneiros no ensino de idiomas desde 1965!
Separamos turmas pequenas para você ter um progresso rápido e eficaz.
98% dos alunos da escola recomendam a LSI, os cursos são adaptados para todos os níveis
#realize #parceria #intercambio #lsi #lsischool
"I'm soooo happy because I finish my course I'm free now! and I'm sad I won't go to school and meet my friends. I can't imagine next monday morning. I don't know that time what feeling I have. sad? happy? tierd? anxiety? I don't know as well but I know I'm going to miss my classmate and friends.⠀
I've learned a lot of thing from my teachers.⠀
I stared in pre-int and finish in upp-int and final test I got advance level! It's amazing First time I was in NZ I said "I can speak English little bit" but now I say "I can speak English"⠀
Thank you for everything you guys I love you so much "- Ji-hyeong Ria You, Seoul, Korea⠀
#lsiauckland #auckland #learnenglish #lsi #lsischool #surf