luminale luminale2020 frankfurt somethingthatisonyourmind frankfurtcity frankfurtskyline igersfrankfurt frankfurtammain frankfurtdubistsowunderbar citylights frankfurtliebe luminalefrankfurt visitfrankfurt welovefrankfurt architecture mainhattan skyline city frankfurt_am_main frankfurt_de frankfurter frankfurtlove frankfurtlovers frankfurtmain ig_frankfurt kirche lights luminale2018 title24compliance
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illuminated churches ⛪
#illuminated #churches #illumination #church #musikinderkirche #anderes #licht in der #kirche #illuminiert #kirchen #phonograph #phonography #frankfurtdubistsowunderbar #frankfurtliebe #lightandbuilding #leuchtend #igersfrankfurt #nachtaufnahme
#nachtaufnahmen #nightphotographer #luminale #luminale2018 #langzeitaufnahme #langzeitbelichtung #langzeitbelichtungen #longexposure #longexposures #frankfurtbeinacht #lightsatnight #lichtspiel
FT Photo Diary : Spectators look at the 'light art/video mapping installation' of Philipp Geist at the 'Roemer' during the Luminale festival on March 18, 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany. Abstract, painted compositions are projected onto buildings' facades.
The Luminale, whose organizers describe it as a: 'Biennale for Light Art and Urban Design,' will illuminate landmarks and buildings in Frankfurt with artistic compositions from March 18-23.
See more photos from around the world at : Thomas Lohnes/Getty Images
#FT #financialtimes #photooftheday #picoftheday #photo #photography #photographer #onassignment #art #phillippgeist #roemer #luminale #luminalefestival #frankfurt #germany #german #urban #design #landmarks #landmark
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illuminated churches ⛪
#illuminated #churches #illumination #church #marktkirche #anderes #licht in der #kirche #illuminiert #kirchenschmuck #phonography #frankfurtdubistsowunderbar #lightinchurch #lightandbuilding #leuchtend #igersfrankfurt #churchatnight
#kirchebeinacht #nightphotographer #luminale #luminale2018 #frankfurtbeinacht #lightsatnight #lichtspiel #lichtprojektion #lightprojection #lightproject #lightshow #lichtshow #katholischekirche
Have you ever heard about the #Luminale in #Frankfurt⁉
The streets, squares, skyscrapers, churches, museums and galleries of the city are presented in a completely different light and captivate visitors with spectacular and often interactive installations. Magnificent picture @ralphlarmann - thank you very much.
#visitgermany #germanytourism #germanysimplyinspiring #visitfrankfurt
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illuminated churches ⛪
#illuminated #churches #illumination #church #anderes #licht in der #kirche #illuminiert #kirchenschmuck #phonography #offenbachammain #offenbach #lightinchurch #lightandbuilding #leuchtend #churchatnight #altar
#kirchebeinacht #nightphotographer #luminale #luminale2018 #lightsatnight #lichtspiel #lichtprojektion #lightprojection #lightproject #lightshow #lichtshow #katholischekirche
Dreikonigskirche Reflection #igersfrankfurt #frankfurtcity #tourismfrankfurt #visitgermany #visithessen #hessenvision #hessentourismus #germany_greatshots #germanvision #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #in_germany #deutschlandkarte #deutschland_greatshot #mein_deutschland #_weloveffm #frankfurtistwonderbar #travel_2_germany #bestgermanypics_ #pocket_germany #topgermanyphoto #raw_germany #lifeofgermany #loves_united_germany #luminale #batpixs_germany #journalfrankfurt #europestyle_germany #srs_germany #unlimitedgermany
Arte, luzes e cores: Uma luz é refletida de um prédio em meio às pessoas que visitam a instalação artística na Praça Roemer, durante o festival "Luminale" em Frankfurt, Alemanha. O artista alemão, Phillipp Geist, realiza durante o festival, uma experiência de imersão em seu universo de cores e luzes. Montadas em locais públicos, as intervenções artísticas dele constituem-se de projeções coloridas e vídeos interativos
#VEJA #germany #luminale #frankfurt #art #lights #pictureoftheday
Foto: Michael Probst/AP