magneticparticleinspection nondestructivetesting liquidpenetrantinspection дефектоскоп магнитопорошковыйконтроль неразрушающийконтроль дефектоскопиия капилярныйконтроь engenharia inspection ndtinspection ndtinspector magneticparticletesting ultrasonictesting yoke asnt eddycurrent engineering ensaiosnaodestrutivos liquidpenetranttesting magspec mrchemie nondestructivetestingcompany nondestructivetestingtechnician asntlevel2 non_destructive_testing
I think this 3406E cat head has seen better days #cresapautomotivemachine #cumberlandMD #machineshop #magneticparticleinspection #crackedhead #cylinderheadrepair #cylinderhead #enginecarnage #justlookatit #sendit #scrap #damagedbeyondrepair #trucking #otr #truckmechanic #diesel #ROLLCOAL #alltheboost
The inspection of crane hooks is required by OSHA and the preferred method is magnetic particle yoke inspection with white contrast paint. Yokes are perfect for this method because they use alternating current (shallow penetration) instead of direct current (deeper penetration), which improves sensitivity nearer to the surface where very tight cracks start to originate from. Also, the flexible legs on the yoke make it easier to set up an a/c field parallel to the axis of the hook, which can pick up transverse cracks (ASM, Metals Handbook). So what kind of defects are we looking for and in what area of the crane hook? For in-service inspection, the most common defects in crane hooks are stress cracks in the throat area, as pictured by @nvega651. Remember that these hooks are forgings, so they are also susceptible to forging laps that can occur during the primary processing stage. But MT isn’t the only method performed on these, ultrasonic inspection is used as well when these are in-service. #sharingndt #magneticparticleinspection #magneticparticle #mt #yoke #yokeinspection #hook #cranehook #stress #fatigue #forging #osha #nondestructivetesting #ndt #nondestructiveevaluation #insepction
Магнитопорошковая #дефектоскопия. Специалисты компании #ИнвентПрибор проводят обучение наших сотрудников. Используются расходные материалы #HellingGmbh. #геондт #inventpribor #madeinrussia #ndtrussia #helling #NDT #WELD #MagneticTesting #MT #неразрушающийконтроль #nondestructive #дефектоскопия #nondestructivetest #magneticparticletesting #дефектоскоп #сварнойшов #magneticparticleinspection #yoke #магнитопорошковыйдефектоскоп #магнит #магнитныйметод #магнитныйконтроль #электромагнит #магвел #geondt
Our team found a crack in a crane hook last week.
Wouldn’t have seen the crack with out the #MPI .
. .
#magneticparticleinspection #nondestructivetestingtechnician #nondestructivetestingcompany #safe #worksafety #cranehook #crane #craneporn #craneoperator #cranesafety #engineering #cracked #equipment #equipmentfailure #besafe #work #workingconditions #construction #constructionmachinery #wearewolves #mobilecrane #factorysafety #safetycommittee #healthandsafety #healthandsafetymanagement #healthandsafetyofficer
HOLINGER EUROPE is now equipped with a magnetic particle crack tester
(Non-Destruktive Testing)
#cracktest #cracktesting #magneticparticle #magneticparticleinspection
#magneticmagneticparticletesting |
#991cup #991cupcar #porsche991cup #porsche991gt3cup #porsche991cupcar |
#gearbox #gearboxrebuild #gearboxracing #gearboxproblems |
#holinger #holingergearbox #holingersequential
#becauseracecar #racecar #racecars #racecarstuff
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