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ELC (Early Learning Centre) Bugs Building
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For children aged 2+
Stacking and removing the bugs from the Bugs Building Game are great ways for your child to develop a steady hand and build fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are so useful for dressing, drawing and writing. Learning how to play a simple game - taking turns, rolling dice and having your go - is good for thinking skills and also for social skills. Learning how to participate in a group activity is a great skill to learn ready for starting nursery and school. Sorting and stacking the Bugs Building Game bugs is good for learning colours and counting.
The Bugs Building Game is great fun for your child to play. You and your child can build the cute and colourful bugs into a tower, then take turns to throw the dice to decide which bug to remove. There are so many more ways to play with the Bugs Building Game too. Your child can build a spindly tower, make a nose-to-tail bug train or create bug patterns on the table. And it's fun to bring the bugs to life and make them sniff about and play like pets. You can sort the bugs into colours, count them up, stack them up and knock them down.
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Go Fishing Duck&Fish Pink/Green
Mainan Pancingan Bebek dan Ikan Untuk Anak Bermain Pancingan Sekaligus Bermain Air, Dilengkapi Dengan Aksesories Mainan Seperti Pohon Dan Pagar-Pagar,Perosotan Pipa Air, Gayung Kecil Buat Mengambil Air.
Deskripsi :
*Ada 3 Tombol Musik, Dengan Berbagai Irama Musik Yang Berbeda-Beda
-Ada 3 Pcs Bebek Lucu
-Ada 3 Pcs Ikan Lucu
-Ada 2 Pancingan
-Aksesories Mainan Seperti Gambar(Pohon,Perosotan,Pagar)
-Ukuran Mainan Kolam 30x20 cm
-Menggunakan 3 Pcs Baterai AA (Baterai Tidak Termasuk)
Ukuran 34,5X23X7,4 cm
Vol 978 gr
Berat 500 gr
Manfaat :
✔️Melatih motorik halus
✔️Melatih koordinasi mata- tangan anak saat memancing.
✔️Dapat di isi air
✔️Melatih kesabaran anak.
✔️Menambah kebersamaan antara orangtua dan anak
For order or info:
Line: @nixnoxshop
Wa: 081.850.8522
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Playskool Busy Poppin Pals
Preloved good condition .
Pop-up activity toy.
Toy introduces your child to different shapes, animals and cause-and-effect play.
Rewards discovery with colourful critters.
Ages 9 months and up.
#playskoolmurah #playskoolbekas #playskoolsecond #playskoolpreloved #elcsale #elcmurah #elcbekas #elcsecond #elcpreloved #mainanelcmurah #mainanelcbekas #mainanelcsecond #mainanelcpreloved #mainanbranded #mainanbrandedmurah #mainanbrandedbekas #mainanbrandedsecond #mainanbrandedpreloved #mainansecondimport
Leapfrog Fridge Wash n Go Vehicle Magnetic Set
Preloved good condition .
Sing along to silly songs as you mix, match and learn with vehicle friends!
Create over 25 vehicle combinations with 10 mix-and-match pieces.
Play on the fridge, wall or floor.
Helps develop matching and motor skills.
Explores colors and vehicle names and sounds.
#leapfrogsecond #leapfrogmurah #leapfrogbekas #leapfrogpreloved #elcsale #elcmurah #elcbekas #elcsecond #mainanelc #mainanelcsale #mainanelcbekas #mainanelcmurah #mainanelcsecond #mainanbranded #mainanbrandedmurah #mainanbrandedbekas #mainanbrandedsecond #mainanbrandedpreloved #mainansecondimport #mainansecond #mainanimportbekas #mainanimportmurah
Go Fishing Duck&Fish Pink/Green
Mainan Pancingan Bebek dan Ikan Untuk Anak Bermain Pancingan Sekaligus Bermain Air, Dilengkapi Dengan Aksesories Mainan Seperti Pohon Dan Pagar-Pagar,Perosotan Pipa Air, Gayung Kecil Buat Mengambil Air.
Deskripsi :
*Ada 3 Tombol Musik, Dengan Berbagai Irama Musik Yang Berbeda-Beda
-Ada 3 Pcs Bebek Lucu
-Ada 3 Pcs Ikan Lucu
-Ada 2 Pancingan
-Aksesories Mainan Seperti Gambar(Pohon,Perosotan,Pagar)
-Ukuran Mainan Kolam 30x20 cm
-Menggunakan 3 Pcs Baterai AA (Baterai Tidak Termasuk)
Ukuran 34,5X23X7,4 cm
Vol 978 gr
Berat 500 gr
Manfaat :
✔️Melatih motorik halus
✔️Melatih koordinasi mata- tangan anak saat memancing.
✔️Dapat di isi air
✔️Melatih kesabaran anak.
✔️Menambah kebersamaan antara orangtua dan anak
For order or info:
Line: @nixnoxshop
Wa: 081.850.8522
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Fisherprice Brilliant Basic Baby Block
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Baby can sort and stack and learn to identify and match shapes
Shape-Sorting lid and 5 different shapes help build early identification skills
10 colorful blocks are easy to grasp, hold and store inside bucket
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Vtech Crazy Colours Torch
Preloved good condition .
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Vtech Shake n Move Puppy #readyprelovedlove
Preloved good condition .
Cute puppy that stands and moves when the bone is shaken.
Three press buttons teach shapes, colours, abc and 123.
Promotes motor skills, imaginative play and cause and effect.
Features two sing-along songs, 10 melodies and lots of jolly phrases and sounds.
Rp 150.000
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