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Happy Wednesday! Today we are checking in with OL Corey to see how he is spending the rest of his summer in Upstate New York: "I’m boating, swimming, fishing, and relaxing lakeside, spending lots of quality time with my family #summervibes" - OL Corey #summer #orientationleader #gojaspers #manhattancollege #orientation
#SwipeLEFT:......I just want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for ALL of the love I received yesterday from my friends, family and people I’ve never met before. It was much appreciated and made my day that much more special!! #MastersDegree #ManhattanCollege #LevelUp #Blackexcellence #Thegrinddontstop #RIPNipsey #TMC
: @v.lens
Grad cap: @adenajaydesigns
Hair by: @thekingofloc
I graduated today with a group of exceptional and kindred spirits. Despite having a rough few years at college, this last one made it all worthwhile. The friends I made this year are like no other. To all the nights at An Beal. To all the late nights in the lib. To all the shenanigans at the Bridge in Lee. To my time in Goshen with a weekend that will forever be cherished in my heart. To all those VCP walks. To all the times where we were simply together. I say thank you. And a big thank you to my mom for being my inspiration. Whether it be helping others or putting in the work, my mom knows all about it. So cheers to her for all she’s done. Peace out for a bit MC. I’ll be back in the fall for my Master’s
#wedidit #undegrad #graduate #accomplished #manhattancollege #soniasotomayor #byefornow #lifelongfriendships
You not going read this but i’m committed to Manhattan college, gooo jaspers. Civil engineering type of time and I hope my next 4 years and your 4 years are the most educational and fun years ever. I will be praying for all my fellow 2023 classmates and hope we all strive to greatness ❗️❤️ *if you read this you the goat* #jaspers2023 #manhattancollege
One of the BEST moments of my life so far was earning my Masters Degree & having my parents, siblings and friends present to witness my moment! ❤️ #MastersPapi#ManhattanCollege #BlackExcellence #BlackgirlMagic #LevelUp #Brains&Beauty #5/15/19 #Blessed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: @v.lens
Grad cap design: @adenajaydesigns