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Das Weinjahr 2019 zeigt sich mit neuer Energie, die ersten jungen Triebe wachsen nach oben. Nicht mehr lange und das Aufbinden geht in die erste Runde 1️⃣. Wir freuen uns sehr auf das neue Jahr mit tollen Weinenund werden wieder das Beste aus 2019 herausnehmen. ‍♂️ ————————————— The 2019 wine year is showing with renewed energy, with the first young shoots growing upwards. Not long and the tie goes into the first round. We're really looking forward to the new year with great wines and will take the best out of 2019 again. ‍♂️ #winetime #winelover #weingut #maring #riesling #Mosel #Family #liebe #momente #time #producer #heimatliebe #weinreise #winetour #weinmomente #instawine #kabinett #winenot #vintage #viticulture #oenolgoie #vintage #rieslinglover #winewednesday #naturliebe #qualitytime

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2014er Rotwein cuvée trocken trägt den Namen “HaJo” dieses setzt sich zusammen aus “Ha” Hans “Jo” Josef Hans Josef derzeit der Betriebsinhaber, somit auch der “Boss” ————————————————— 2014 Red wine cuvée dry bears the name "HaJo" which consists of "Ha" Hans "Jo" Josef Hans Josef currently the farmer, thus also the "Boss” #winetime #winelover #weingut #maring #riesling #Mosel #Family #liebe #momente #time #producer #heimatliebe #weinreise #winetour #weinmomente #instawine #kabinett #winenot #vintage #viticulture #oenolgoie #vintage #rieslinglover #winewednesday

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Pastry#chef#chocolate#velvety#violet#design#maring#strawberry#glaze#bon bon#chocolate#

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@chakiracchoのブローチも買ったんだけど、これがまた可愛い。#イラストレーター #カツヤマケイコ #コーデイラスト #ファッションイラスト#fashionillustration #お買い物交換日記 #ootd #毎日のコーデ #chakiraccho #maring #fisi #uniqlo #camper

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Dandelions are thought to be weeds by many home gardeners, but they are a sure sign of healthy vineyards. The flowers a considered to be a healthy “cover crop” and can either be mulched down or remain whole. The entire plant is edible and offers a beautifully bright sign of a natural vineyard without unhealthy spraying. —— Dandelions are thought to have evolved about 30 million years ago in Eurasia. Fossil seeds of Taraxacum tanaiticum have been recorded from the Pliocene of southern Russia. Dandelions have been used by humans for food and as an herb for much of recorded history. They were well known to ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, and have been used in Chinese traditional medicine for over a thousand years. Dandelions probably arrived in North America on the Mayflower—not as stowaways, but brought on purpose for their medicinal benefits. —— #noblegrape #rieslinglove #winemaker #maring #dandelion #winelove #weinliebe #macroflowers #sommelier #somm #sommlife #ichliebewein #weine #vinothek #viticulture #terroir #moselle #winefacts #oenology #moselhistory #moselwine #moselflower #VDP #grosselage #winetasting #moselwine #weinliebhaber #winestagram #weinprobe #froheostern #ostern

Хештеги на тему #MARING

From this perch you can see Maring-Noviand, Mulheim, a little Brauneberg and Veldenz. What was once all part of the Kingdom of Veldenz, which at its peak from the 12th till 17th Century was made up of 120 villages. With a long history that begins with the Germanic-Celtic tribes of 500 BC. ⚔️ —————————————————— The Brauneberg Burgerslay, buttoned up to the Juffer on the right, Honigberg buttoned up to the Maringerberg and Lay on the left. Johanisberg, Mulheimer Bitschberg, and Sonnenlay in the middle. I’m missing a few but suffice it to say. Some incredible wine is made in the vast valley that caresses the Mosel and Lieser Rivers. ⛰ —————————————————— If you look hard eneough you can see the more than 20 windmills ➕ on the horizon. —————————————————— #noblegrape #rieslinglove #winemaker #middlemosel #winelove #weinliebe #vino #sommelier #somm #germanhistory #landscapephotography #vineyardphotography #sommlife #ichliebewein #weine #vinothek #viticulture #terroir #vinum #winefacts #winehistory #winetasting #moselriesling #mulheim #veldenz #lieser #brauneberg #maring #noviand #weinliebhaber

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☀️ The first sign of “bud break” means the winter dormancy period is over. New life springs from the trimmed and trainee vines, opening themselves up to the inevitable pollination period that will come. One can see why the ancients saw vines and winemaking as divine providence. —— The grape starts its annual growth cycle in the spring with bud break. In the Northern Hemisphere, this stage begins around March while in the Southern Hemisphere it begins around September when daily temperatures begin to surpass 10 °C (50 °F). If the vine had been pruned during the winter, the start of this cycle is signaled by a "bleeding" of the vine. This bleeding occurs when the soil begins to warm and osmotic forces pushes water, containing a low concentration of organic acids, hormones, minerals and sugars, up from the root system of the vine and it is expelled from the cuts (or "wounds") left over from pruning the vine. {wiki} —— #noblegrape #rieslinglove #winemaker #maring #budbreak #winelove #weinliebe #macroflowers #sommelier #somm #sommlife #ichliebewein #weine #vinothek #viticulture #terroir #moselle #winefacts #oenology #moselhistory #moselwine #moselflower #VDP #grosselage #winetasting #moselwine #weinliebhaber #winestagram #weinprobe #winelife

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“Safran-Fir Gimlet” ————————————————— Here is a balance of Iranian Saffron, and British Douglas Fir . With the beautifully concentrated and extracted @hepple_distillery Douglas Fir Vodka, balanced with Saffron-Lime Rock Candy Cordial. A divine variation in the classic Gimlet. ————————————————— Finding a balance between worlds and ingredients has always been the hallmark of the travelling bartender. Pairing, matching and blending stories is a part of the journey and allows for a truly artistic path. —————————————————— ▪️4.5 cl @hepple_distillery Douglas Fir Vodka ▪️3.5 cl Saffron-Lime Rock Candy Cordial —————————————————— Build in shaker and shake hard till combined, garnish with 3 saffron hairs. —————————————————— #classicdrinks #cocktails #craftcocktail #imbibegram #timsaucier #trinken #classiccocktail #classic #imbibe #imbibegram #bartender #mixologist #springmenu #highball #highballer #vodka #saffron #gimlet #Deutschland #trinken #essenundtrinken #maring #realdrinks #instadrink #mixologyart #newconcept #moselcocktails #drinkconcepts #probartender #sponsored

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الميرانج او الميرانغ ٤ بياض بيض ربع كوب سكر ٢ م ك سكر ناعم ٢ م ك طحين ڤانيلا ملون طعام . نخفق بياض البيض لحد م يتماسك نضيف السكر العادي بالتدريج مع استمرار الخفق لحد م يجمد نضيف السكر الناعم والطحين والڤانيلا واخيراً ملون الطعام ونقلبهم . يعبى بكيس حلواني للتشكيل وعلى ورق زبده نشكلها تدخل فرن محمى مسبق فقط من تحت لحد م تتماسك بدون تحمير تترك لتبرد وصحتين ✨'

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