maskcatdollfeline maskcatdoll maturetiny maturetinybjd tanbjd doll maskcatfeline balljointdoll balljointeddoll bjdphotography bjdstagram littlemonica littlemonicabjd littlemonicaeric littlemonicamuse littlemonicamuseharmony momonita ateliermomoni kimono kobe maskcatdollinez dollzone dustofdolls abjd dollzonethyme tinybjd azone chibbimoon dustofdollsappi custombjd
he fits maskcatdoll boots perfectly, probably have to get him his own pair. he doesnt fit those obitsu loafers unless them stretching and possibly ripping is okay. xD
#maskcatdoll #maskcatdollfeline #maskcatfeline #bjd #balljointdoll #balljointeddoll #doll #tanbjd #maturetiny #maturetinybjd #littlemonica #littlemonicabjd #littlemonicaeric #littlemonicamuse #littlemonicamuseharmony
i think, i need thicker strings for him. i've also never had a doll that was strung just at the legs and the arm string is what goes to the head, nothing through the torso. o-o
#maskcatdoll #maskcatdollfeline #maskcatfeline #bjd #balljointdoll #balljointeddoll #doll #tanbjd #maturetiny #maturetinybjd #littlemonicaeric #littlemonicamuseharmony #littlemonica #littlemonicamuse #littlemonicabjd