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*Under Construction*
Throughout the past 2 years I’ve been on and off with my meditation habits which I would like to commit to being consistent now.
Every time I get into a long habit of it, it has brought me space and clarity. There is so much distraction and negativity in today’s world that really suffocates your creativity, clarity and energy. By being in stillness more I’ve been able to understand better what/who/where that gives or takes energy.
There’s so much neuro science backing it up now that we can’t write it off anymore. The best time that I find for me to meditate is right after my morning run/exercise and everytime I get into a 1 week daily habit, it helps me stay positive and happier throughout the day.
Would you like to start committing to your own meditation practice? How do you guys start your mornings? Wherever you are I wish you happiness and kindness. Namaste!
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When we release resistance, life gets so much more beautiful.
To effortlessly flow exactly where we are meant to be in each moment.
Bringing us to the people who will assist us in expanding our souls, as well as those who are in need of the healing we can offer them.
Flowing effortlessly to situations which allow our heart to grow.
Being present so we may receive the signs and blessings in each moment. .
To surrender and trust in what the universe has in store us . .
Flow with me. .
Drum by @guda_drum .
#mygudadrum #meditationpractice #reikihealing #reikienergy #reikipractitioner #soundhealing #highfrequency #jikidenreiki #holistichealthcare #rawvegan #shamanichealing #earthhealing #kundaliniawakening #kundalinirising #tantric #432hz #sacredgeometry #sriyantra
#soundtherapy #vibrationalmedicine #intheflow #divinelyguided #lightworkers #wayshower #staygrounded #smudge
“Did you know that you receive energy through your left hand and you release energy through your right When meditating, flip your left palm up to receive energy and inspiration Flip your right palm down when releasing heavy energy ” photo and quote by @amarisland ❤️..
Reiki Trivia: Dr. Usui also used his hands in a similar fashion for Reiki? He would hold his left hand with fingers together to cup the hand, while holding his right hand over the client. In this method, he would draw in the universal life force of Reiki energy through his left hand while channelling with his right. Love it! Blessings
Follow @crystalreikihealer ..
Follow @crystalreikihealer ..
Shared via @myessentialplanet
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In life the test always comes 1st
@spiritual.teachers.of.our.time ♂️
Via @spiritualonline
#osho #spirituality #oshoquotes #bhagwan #buddha #buddhism #lifelessons #spiritualism #spiritualquotes #mindsetshift #mindsetmatters #beliefsystem #meditative #meditationpractice #lifegoals #loa #thirdeye #chackras #universe #eckharttolle #paradigmshift #abrahamhicks #WayneDyer #awareness
I never used to believe that sitting quietly would do anything for me. But, when I started practicing meditation daily (I could only do a few minutes at first), I could see how truly beneficial it was! . . .
When I have a problem, situation, or challenge that I don’t know how to conquer and overcome, I turn inwards. I quiet my mind and observe my thoughts. Most of the time I’m able to see immediately what is underlying and it’s usually a fear of something. When I acknowledge that, I am free to move on and figure out a way to turn it around. . . .
#Repost @healerstribe
@thegoldhippie You don’t have to be an empath, psychic, or some master to pick up on vibes and energy. But to be specific, I am speaking on empaths who are very sensitive to energy and energy shifts. If you notice an energy shift between someone, let’s say it’s negative, you don’t need to Interject yourself into their problems. I find that it can be tempting to want to help them or as an empath you may feel it may be directly or indirectly towards you, I tell you today: Do not make their energy apart of yours! Sometimes you may feel if you fixed or helped their issue, you, yourself, will feel better so that you don’t have to worry or feel it anymore. What is going on is spirit wants you build stronger foundations in your life. Don’t allow anyone’s mood or attitude whether it’s towards you or not, to disturb your inner peace. It’s time to set better boundaries and balance/ground your energy more often.
Don’t internalize every energy shift between you and those around you. People go through stuff all of the time, the only thing you can control is what you choose to accept or not accept or what to take on or what not to take on. You don’t want to spend your life feeling drained, crushed by others emotions or even your own. Whenever these feelings arise, ask spirit to help you with building a healthier relationship with yourself and your emotions so that you will be able to distinguish what’s yours and what’s not. Ask spirit to help you get rid of the tendency to blame yourself when things aren’t feeling okay.
#boundaries #selfcare #selflove #lovingkindness #intj #infjpersonality #memes #empath #empathproblems #spiritualawakening #hsp #highlysensitiveperson #highlysensitivepeople #mbti #16personalities #selfloveadvocate #spiritualgangster #heavilymeditated #meditationpractice #crystals #goddess #divinefeminine #lightworker #clairsentient #raiseyourvibration #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #bethechange #gratitude #radiatepositivity #radiatelove
Follow @eastern_sentiment
Follow @eastern_sentiment
Follow @eastern_sentiment
Source: @inner.bliss
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