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As I walked by she looked my way, she was curious, she didn't know what to say, I smiled as she smiled back, no need to chat, I turned my back and walked away, so did she, it was meant to be, little did she know I had planted a seed in her mind, hoping that one day she would be mine ⚛ MKX @mysterykidx Artist: @sivan.ka
Someday he’ll be taller than me. .
#colorado #amwriting #pixelkids #memoirchat #authorlife #coloradolife #coloradostyle #nonfiction #autobiographical #beboulder #writers_den_ #capturedtreasures #motherwound #ourcandidlife #runwild #everyday_moments #whyiwrite #momentsmatter #realmoments #fearlessandframed #thenarrativesociety #thehonestlens #littlehumans #thisischildhood #womenwriters #memoirsofmotherhood #magicofchildhood #nothingisordinary
no poem today
just a little something for someone
idk why sometimes love makes us feel this way
.. i hope this reaches my pole star
. .
Words really are little human beings on paper if you get it right. .
Each with its own distinct personality, energy and substance. .
Each evoking different emotions, visual imagery and thoughts in a reader. . .
#writer #writersofinstagram #writerlife #writerwednesday #poem #poetry #writing #typewriterpoetry #amwriting #typewriterseries #literature #thoughts #words #wordsmith #writingprompts #shewrites #womenwhowrite #memoir #tellyourstory #nonfiction #authorsofinstagram #author #communityofpoetry #karendraper #memoirchat #bigmagic #instagood #mindfulness #soulwork
... I want a little quiet life in a little quiet room on a little quiet night that lasts forever and ever with a plan.
I want a little loud girl who talks too much to be a little but much, but let go and fall in love with a man. ~ From "this," *forthcoming
Somebody did some writing.
Somebody is now editing.
Somebody is happy.
#Editing #IndiePub
I remember the day I started writing this book...I went to the library to write an essay I had due in but my hands just started typing and I looked up and literally 4 hours had passed and I was still writing. From then I’d just write whenever I was in flow state/felt inspired - sometimes for 6/7hours at a time. •
Through the process of writing, I realised something about purpose and it is this: Your purpose is the thing that CALLS you forward. It will feel like that moment when your doing something and it’s like shoot “I’ve never felt this alive before”, “I feel most ME doing this” but purpose will only CALL you. That’s it. Most of you have discovered that thing or had that feeling of being totally engrossed in something but you were too committed to your excuses to pursue it. “I don’t have the time”, “There’s people who are better than me”, “I have to go to uni to make my parents happy”, “There’s people depending on me, It’s not practical” and guess what all of those excuses were you replying NO to the call. You can’t be committed to your excuses and respond YES to the call - it’s impossible. The way is only made clear as you move, it will be scary and it will feel uncertain but trust me on the other side of it is total freedom, total abundance. It won’t be easy but what’s the alternative? •
Remember as you go “The universe reveals its secrets to those who dare to follow their hearts”