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• Tailed Orange •
(Eurema proterpia)
A North and South American butterfly which belongs to the family Pieridae, white and yellow Sulphur butterflies.
Their range consists of Peru north to Mexico; Greater Antilles; strays to Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona; rarely to Nebraska and Kansas. The tailed orange lives in a variety of open habitats such as open woodlands, pastures, forest edges, deserts and subtropical areas. Adult butterflies fly from mid-July to early January in Arizona, from August to November in Texas and all year round in Mexico.
The Tailed Orange Butterfly has a summer and winter form. The winter form is easily distinguished by the distinctive tail on the hind wing and wings of bright orange with black veins. The summer form lacks a tail and was once thought to be a separate species as it is a much brighter shade of orange/yellow. Males reflect UV light on their upper side of their wings. Their underside is a bright yellow. The only similar species in the Tailed Orange is the Sleepy Orange Butterfly.
Their wing span typically ranges between 1-2 inches. Conservation is not usually required as the species is found in numerous places.
• Question Mark •
(Polygonia interrogationis)
A North American Nymphalid butterfly. It lives in wooded areas. The colour and textured appearance of the underside wings combine to provide camouflage that resembles a dead leaf. The silvery curved line and adjacent white dot on the underside of the hindwing resemble the punctuation mark '?' that the Question Mark Butterfly is commonly named after.
The edges of its wings are powdery white and elegantly sculpted. Closely related comma butterfly. Its flight period is from May to September. Some adults will stay in the northern United States to hibernate, while others will migrate south. The distribution is an extensive range throughout most of the United States, Canada through to Mexico.
I’m finally in Mexico .
Shot this photo with 1600 shutter speed,600 ISO and f1.8 aperture. Shot on a canon 750d with my canon 50mm lens .
Morpho luna from Argentina - Came all the way up here to play in our freak snow storm of 2019. This specie has quickly become one of my most favorite Morpho Butterflies. Saw @cerretanews making her snow angel this morning, let’s see if we can get her to make a snow-butterfly #snowbutterfly #morpholuna #morpho #butterflies #abugslife #gritandgrainaz #naturalhistory #oddities #curiosities #collector #letitsnow #verdevalley #whitebutterfly #mexicanbutterfly #southamericanbutterfly #smallbusinessaz #bugbusiness