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I understand that the people who needs to be talked to ,advised and helped are not on social media . let's learn to reach out to more people on the streets who are uneducated and do not know how to Instagram or Facebook cause this are the masses .
Change can be achieved when this people are educated on their rights. This will not only end vote buying but also make them want to strive hard for themselves and help them grow into becoming what they truly want.
Education is still the no one tool in ending poverty in our nation but education has become of less value while the quest of money is a popular demand. The truth is that poverty kills dreams that's why the government has to ensure that the economy is balanced and people can afford to be educated. Some people when they start making the money they don't want to get educated anymore which is wrong . dreams can give you what you never expected . its OK to make money but knowledge would give you means in making more money .
Not that they don't want to be educated but our economy is so bad that they prefer to eat. This is why they can easily entice us and bribe us into voting for them by giving little money to individuals but all of this can be stopped when they know the truth. As a youth or teenager note money is not everything ,go to school . be educated . there's always a sacrifice to pay .you may not like it. It may not to be what you planned but don't give up. Someday you would be thankful that you went to school. Its never too late ,you can start today . education is still the way and no matter how bad our economy is ,someday when we are on top we would be able to solve the problem of the nation together . we are Nigerians ,its our responsibility .Get educated today .
#educational #michelleandbarack #college #educated #nig