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We took down her Microlink Install and she experienced little to no shedding and 1.5-2 inches of growth. It makes me mad when a client says an install pulled their hair out. No! An uneducated stylist, or lack of maintenance, or the wrong service to begin with is the reason your hair came out.. this is why consultations are important!!! Book now..
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✨The Answer is Yes MicroLinks
can be done on natural hair! Watch this Before & After Video of my Client I added a Full Head of custom colored iTip Extensions to her natural hair for added Fullness & Length!
My Work speaks for itself!
Neat & Clean a Seamless look!
You can’t tell me this doesn’t look like her Natural Hair!
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Curls and Custom Color should be bestfriends..
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Swipe left ⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️Now servicing micro link extensions ! This technique is ideal for women who just want to add volume, length, depth , or color without damaging chemicals! BOOK NOW #MICROBEADING #WESTLANDMICROBEADING #LIVONIAMICROBEADING #michiganmicrobeading #microlinks #microlinkextensions #hairandbeautydirectory #closureinstalls #quickweaves #bluntcut #customcolor #units #detroithairstylist #livoniahairstylist #westlandhairstylist #romulushairstylist #cantonhairstylist #bellevillehairstylist #hairnbeautydirectory #frontals #virginbrazilianhair #virginhair #bundles #detroithairstylist #customwigs #units #closures #frontals #detroitstylist
2 Bundle Microlink Install using the (Wefted #Microlinks Technique) Including Hair. Install Will last up to 12 weeks with proper care ! My most requested service is for the full natural look yet still lightweight & it’s still Sooo natural ! What a beautiful transformation!Before & Afters are my favorite! No thread,glue& all beads are invisible✨. To top it off PERFECTTT color match by @getstyledbykell killed the color per usual ☺️
•Click the link in my bio for pricing & scheduling •
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This specific technique completely hides the beads making the instal FLAWLESS
No Thread❗️
No Braid❗️
#hairbyakua #atlhair #atlhairstylist #lithoniahairstylist #conyershairstylist #covingtonhairstylist #atlweaves #Atlbraider #atlantabraider #silkpress #silkpressatl #silkpressatlanta #atlsilkpress #atlantasilkpress #braidlesssewin #braidlesssewinatl #atlbraidlesssewin #braidlesssewinatlanta #microlinkextensions
She’s so cute!
Full head of MICROLINKS on my client!
#hairbyakua #atlhair #atlhairstylist #lithoniahairstylist #conyershairstylist #covingtonhairstylist #atlweaves #Atlbraider #atlantabraider #silkpress #microlinksatl #microlinksatlanta #microlinks #silkpressatl #silkpressqueen #silkpressatlanta #braidlesssewin #braidlesssewinatl #atlbraidlesssewin #braidlesssewinatlanta #microlinkextensions
FAQ: Can the Kinky Afro itips be straighten? The answer is YES! Our Kinky Afro itips are very versatile, they can be manipulated the same way your natural hair can be manipulated. You’re able to rock your extensions curly, straight or you can curl it with your favorite curlers. Our BRAT was looking for ultimate versatility & that’s exactly what she got shop this look by clicking the link in our bio. .
She’s rocking our 18’ Kinky Afro Itip extensions
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