mimiandmusetta southernvermontlyrictheatre vermont operasingersofinstagram sopranos southernvermont svelt fitsingers opera running grafton laboheme graftonvt jamaicavt latraviata runningbuddies violetta musetta centralpark puccini verdi nature wildlife annina babyanimals babyraccoons babyseason labohemeraccoons mountains operaccoons aliceatticusandbabe
Mimi's big open eyes and dinner time demands...
#mimiandmusetta #labohemeraccoons #operaccoons #mysteryinc #thegangisallhere #babyseason #babyanimals #babyraccoons #babyraccoon #animalrescue #wildliferehab #wildliferehabber #wildlife #texaswildlife #raisingwildlife #raisingraccoons #raccoonsaloon #raccoonshenanigans
Two hot pink sopranos
Vanessa and I are directly across the hall from each other so you better believe that we've been keeping our dressing room doors wide open and fully are acting like this is summer camp/a dorm room situation. My heart has so much love for this human
#MimiAndMusetta #OperaPhiladelphia #OperaPhilly #philaboheme #puccini #musetta #boheme #happyheart #opera #operahouse #operasinger # #vsco #operasingersofinstagram #soprano #mirrorselfie #shamelessselfie #selfie #antics #techweek #tech #oper #youngartist #emergingartist #revival #sopranosofinstagram and as always #toomanyhashtags
Rain, rain, rain! Here we are at the start and finish of today’s race, soaking wet in Central Park! #9plus1 #rain #centralpark #nyc #fitsingers #runnersofinstagram #operasingersofinstagram #operasingersrunning #nineplusone #runasone #runasone4m #lungevity #preventlungcancer #soakingwet #divasrunning #runningdivas #mimiandmusetta @mdecostesoprano @mimiandmusetta #pinkhats
I've been a little worried about Mimi and Etta for a few days now. Mimi has been bloated/swollen since before she got to her first rehabber, and we haven't had luck getting it to go down. Etta has been gaining weight, but not at the pace I'd like. So we made the decision to send them to another rehab group that has a vet. Hopefully they can make sure that everything is OK, and can make both of these girls better. This decision was made after I was already at work, so I didn't get to say goodbye to the girls. I was a little sad about it and then my mom sent me the last picture. Cue me crying at my desk for the second time this week. This is the first time I've passed a baby on to another rehabber, and it surprised me that I was so sad. Of course I would have loved to keep these babies, but this is where the hard part comes in. Rehabbing isn't about me, or what I want. It's about doing what is best for the animal. Full stop. I've quoted my rehabber friend Leanne many times and I will continue to say it: We let them go because we love them. Whether that is giving them to another organization with a vet, releasing the babies into the wild, or making the tough call to end suffering.
#mimiandmusetta #labohemeraccoons #operaccoons #texaswildlife #wildliferehab #wildliferehabber #wildlife #raisingwildlife #raisingraccoons #raccoonsaloon #raccoons #babyseason #babyraccoon #animalrescue #babyraccoons #babyanimals