mindbody гутовская stretching dance pilates ulsk yogaulsk путьксебе yoga73 йогановыйгород йогавульяновске йогадляначинающих muse расписание sport fitness йога motivation пилатес yoga шпагат workshop конвенция wellnessfactory учеба знания workout разумноетело растяжка спорт суставнаягимнастика
Yesterday I went to catch a falling glass, it shattered in my hand, made my kitchen look like a murder scene and ended up with me in the hospital getting stitched back together. It made me think about my urgent drive to salvage the old version of myself. The one who can no longer weather the elements. The one who has cracking foundations and a leaking roof. Instead I could simply let her fall to the ground and use all that energy to rebuild (using some salvaged materials of course). It’s a mixed metaphor (or perhaps it’s collaged!) but it fits with where my head is at right now. There will be no return to who I was and the effort of trying to get back there is making my life look like a murder scene. It’s only taken a year and a copious amount of bloodletting to get to this state of mind. *
The old way of being was what got me here. I’m going to need a new way of being to move on.
As a result of this little mishap it might be a little slow around here this week... this one lacklustre piece took me an hour to cut today ♀️ *
#newbeginnings #accident #emergency #chronicillness #chronicpain #invisibleillness #fibromyalgia #mindbody #cutandpaste #deepthoughts #reflex #stitches #artistsoninstagram #artshare #pondering
You are the architect of this precious, complicated, daily life you live.
So make sure you’re in it for the long haul and take care of your mind, body, energy, and spirit as the #1 priority.
Build your life from the inside out, pausing regularly to breathe deeply, enjoying some "quality time alone" and appreciating you life. Always remember, you can't pour from an empty cup, hence, first take care of yourself. Everything else is secondary!
#UrWellnessBuddy #factoftheday
#selfcare #emotions #energywork #Personaldevelopment #emotion_daily #emotionalwellness #triggers #thoughtoftheday #mindbody #wellnesscoach #psychologist #psychotherapist #wellnesscoach #speaker #neuropsychology #neurotransmitters #wellnesscoach #neuropsychology #counselling
#shadowwork #healing #healyourself #ego #innerbeing #authenticity #highestself
#beyourself #bethechange #loveyourself
Do what you love. Listen to your heart. Silence that inner critic that lives in your mind. Allow the frequency of your heart to shine through. What. Do. You. Want. .
#love #lovequotes #mindset #anxiety #depression #heart #brain #mindbody #work #happiness #happy #doyou #followyourheart #followyourdreams #listentoyourheart
Back in 2006 I was in the dark. I was afraid of never being able to take another step forwards.
I was injured. My right leg was barely working, swollen to about three times the size it should have been, and pulsing through it and up my spine and into my brain was the most agonising nerve pain, relentless in its 24 hour electrifying enormity day after day, week after week, month after month, numbed only a little by an enormous cocktail of medications which were in fact mostly numbing me, trapping me in what felt like a torrent of hell. It was hellish without them, and hellish with them. Frequently, I thought I just couldn’t bear another moment …
Trying to make that leg move, bend, even respond, was an act of summoning every single ounce of faith I could muster. But I believed that one day I’d take a first true step.
I was told that I might not heal. That I shouldn’t get my hopes up. But I had faith. Faith that my body could heal. That I could do it. And that I would do it.
And I did. But there was no leap forwards. There was simply focus and faith in one first step. I will never forget the first tiny millimetre of movement in one tiny toe. It was my miracle … summing up all my belief, and negating in that millisecond all the utterances from medics of “it’s unlikely to improve” … “I doubt it will change”… and “it’s been too long, there’s a time limit for healing, it won’t happen now”.
If there’s one thing we need to pull us up and out of darkness it’s hope, belief ... faith. It starts with a glimmer. A chink. Have faith. Even when those around you don’t. Sometimes there’s less need for a leap, and more need for just taking that first tiny step. Whatever your situation, and whatever these words mean to you, I believe that one step mastered means the next one is right there waiting.
With love ❤️
You are NOT crazy. Mental health requires BODY awareness. The process sucks but recovery IS possible. Trauma work can help you feel safe to come home to your body. You are not alone ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #neuroception #interoception #interpersonalneurobiology #polyvagaltheory #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealth #thebodykeepsthescore #bodysafety #feelingsafe #safeplace #safepeople #ptsd #cptsd #mentalhealthrecovery #traumatherapy #traumatherapist #thebodyknows #mindbody #mindbodyconnection #holistichealing #holistichealer #lightworker #therapistsofinstagram #traumarecovery #wellnesswarriors #mentalhealthwarrior #cptsdwarriors #cptsdawareness #ptsdquotes #ptsdsurvivor
Let it be.#Repost @conscious_soul_tribe
It all led you here, to be who you are now ♥️ #selflove #openyourmind #raiseyourvibration #conscioussoultribe #healdocumentary #autoimmunedisease #medicalmedium #chronicillness #netflix #brucelipton #mindbody #mentalhealth #healing #eft #michaelbernardbeckwith #loveheals #selfcare #greggbraden #drjoedispenza #loveyourself
Feeling free. It’s something we don’t equate with energy but when you start to shift your perception to understand that emotions are just “energy in motion” you can see how when we let go of what no longer serves us (the insecurities, the shame, the anger, the jealousy, the grief, etc.), we feel lighter + free.
I know you’ve felt this before. It’s like thinking you lost your wallet + your heart sinks + you feel like you’re going to throw up + you have so much anxiety you feel like your head is going to blow off, but then there it is at the bottom of your bag + WHEW you feel that release + your adrenaline + cortisol start to come down. That’s all energy.
What most of my clients + the women I meet in my retreats do not realize is that your emotions (which are energy) have a huge impact on your health. This is not taught in medical school or college or ‘How to Live a Healthy Life 101’.
Unfortunately, we’re not taught any of this + so we’re tossed out into life holding on by a thread trying to navigate others who are dealing with the same thing. What we all want is to feel free, so why do we let ourselves get in a pickle about trying to impress everyone? Why?
Why can’t we stand in our truth, know that we’ve got the power inside of us to live our life the way that feels good + if other people don’t like it, then they’re not for us? I can’t tell you how many people I know were talking behind my back when I was unwell. I’m a highly sensitive empath so it’s very easy for me to pick up on the energy when others are talking about me. You may feel the same.
Either way, I’ve forgiven them + let them go + maybe someday they’ll be back in my life but for now, it’s not a fit + I can love them from afar + be kind + respectful. That’s all I can do + it’s all you can do too to allow yourself to be free because you don’t need anyone else to help you feel free.
That’s up to you!
Tap the link in our bio @TheHealthyApple to read my Note to Self series to help you understand the deeper layers of healing, which will ALL be addressed in my upcoming retreat in Santa Cruz in August (details in the link in our bio).
Tag someone who you'd love to come to this retreat with!
Fascinating! #Repost @fast.fruit.raw.radionics
so beautiful just saw this amazing video from @flower.of.love in my feed this morning. make sure to take a look at her insta ❤
••• I've posted about this many times before because it is so important. Please watch the documentary called Water: The Great Mystery (you can find it on my website under Documentaries @eyeamlivingproof .COM/documentaries) thanks to @dream3is3destiny3 for this awesome video #masaruemoto #dremoto #meditation #healingtrauma #guthealth #drjoedispenza #epigenetics #michaelbernardbeckwith #anitamoorjani #mindbody #medicalmedium #drjoedispenza #greggbraden #healdocumentary #chronicillness #autoimmunedisease #mentalhealth #adhd #loveheals
✨Mindset is Super Important✨ —•—
Even on bad days, I remind myself that symptoms are my body telling me I need to pay attention and give extra care to myself. In fact, maybe I need to slow down new things I've added in or need a period of extra rest to recuperate. Detoxing is a main part of healing, it is not fun and it's why most people give up. Go slowwww when incorporating new things! —•—
If you have expectations of healing by a certain "day" you've got it all wrong honey! There is no expiration to healing so don't even try putting a 'good by date' on yourself. Like many of you, it took me becoming ill to appreciate my body. Without my health, I'm no good to anyone including myself. Whether it was directly your fault or you were born ill, it's going to take TIME to see improvement. YOU ARE NOT YOUR DIAGNOSIS OR PROGNOSIS. Make a pact to yourself that through thick and thin, you're not giving up. If you're struggling to face the day, pick three things you're grateful for as you rise, remind yourself of these things as the day continues and when your attitude needs an adjustment. Being negative is not going to help you get well! Don't believe you can get better? Than you won't♀️ —•—
I get to heal today and so do you babes!! Get to healing!
Be well franns✌
#medicalmedium #medicalmediumcommunity #hippocrates #energymedicine #mindbody #holistichealing #wholistichealth #healthquote #encourageyourself #healingmyself #holisticliving #wellnessjourney #healthiswealth #selfcarethreads #selfcaredaily #postivevibes #motivationalquoteoftheday #mindsetquotes #mindsetmatters #holistichealthcoach #healingmyself #healers #emotionalwellbeing #mentalwellbeing #wellnesswarrior #inspirationquotes #detoxing #selfhealing #bewell #mindbodyandsoul