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Palettes from @ color-palettes
February 1st at 19PM Madrid time this little cottage and other little houses will be available in my Etsy shop! Thank you very much for supporting my work this year and I hope you like these little pieces of love.
El 1 de febrero a las 19PM está pequeña cabaña y otras casitas estarán disponibles en mi tienda Etsy! Gracias por vuestro inmeso apoyo otro año más y espero que os gusten mis pequeñas piezas hechas con mucho cariño.
#miniatures #littlecottage #handmade #dollhouse #minidollhouse #shopupdate #wood #woodendollhouse #garden #fairygarden #miniaturegarden #houses #art #hechoamano #tree #miniaturetree #littlehouse #littleworld #handicraft #woodenart #tiny #cute #etsy
It’s #fortheloveofminiaturesfriday again! Here is the finished #englishgardensdollhouse. My goal was to copy my real kitchen, living room and bedroom. I did that although it’s not perfect by any means. It was fun but challenging at the same time. Both good things I believe! I spent way more time on this dollhouse than on any other one. Copying things is tough! I am now working on the exterior a bit. Soon to be completed! ☺️