missnanny миссняня нянимосквы nanny домашнийперсонал ищемняню nannymoscow няня нянядляребенка работа babysitter москва children jobinmoscow дети housemaid видеорезюме moscow вакансия резюменяни анкета babysitters гувернантка няняспедагогическимобразованием прдборперсонала уходзадетьми няни агентствопоперсоналу вакансии миссняня
ran into vlad and mia tonight..almost lost my damn mind listening to their strange conversations
#Fallout #Fallout76 #FO76 #Bethesda #BethesdaGameStudios #BethesdaGames #FalloutCommunity #Fallout76Photomode #Photography #GamePhotography #VirtualPhotography #Gamer #GamerGirl #Xbox #XboxOne #XboxLive #Appalachia #Wasteland #Apocalypse #VaultDweller #Vault76 #VaultTec #ScarletSniper #MrHandy #MissNanny #CranberryBog
Curie (Miss Nanny)
Oh my poor baby...Her stats are terrible but I love her so much. At least in this form her intelligence makes sense. You can also kind of excuse her other stats on the basis of - she's a Modified Miss Nanny robot that wasn't meant for the wasteland ♀️... So why would anything but her intelligence need to be high?
I don't know...I wish her stats were higher given her back story
-Silly Tags-
#falloutcommunity #pcgamer #part5 #missnanny #yourespecial #railroad #curie #cvrie #vault81 #commonwealth #Fallout76 #vault111 #falloutshelter #fallout #fallout2 #fallout3 #falloutnewvegas #fallout4 #falloutcommunity #falloutfans #bethesda #fo3 #gaming #gamergirl #gamer
Curie (Synth)
Okay this is so bad it's actually funny My poor french angel is officially the worst with companion SPECIAL stats, smfh
The beautiful @_leevolt_ and I have discussed this too much and laughed WAY too hard. Our conclusion on how our darling, sweet Curie loses SEVEN intelligence points by becoming a synth?
"Fuck, those railroad procedures aren't as safe as they seem"
Amari scrambled poor Curie!! but...at least she gained a strength point ♀️
Honestly though @bethesda and @fallout - this was just cruel
-Silly Tags-
#falloutcommunity #pcgamer #part5 #missnanny #yourespecial #railroad #curie #cvrie #vault81 #commonwealth #Fallout76 #vault111 #falloutshelter #fallout #fallout2 #fallout3 #falloutnewvegas #fallout4 #falloutcommunity #falloutfans #bethesda #fo3 #gaming #gamergirl #gamer
⚕️ Synth Curie from Fallout 4 for #ThrowbackThursday ⚕️
February 2017. I remember so many of you asking when I was going to cosplay as her lmao Cait is actually my fave FO4 girl, but Curie is just too cute. ❤️ Also no worries, I'm never going to shut up about making a button down shirt for this costume. Lol ✂️
Costume by me, photo by @kufspawn at Long Beach Comic Expo 2017
#Cosplay #CosplayFun #CosplayGirls #CuteCosplay #Curie #CurieCosplay #Fallout #Fallout4 #Fallout4Cosplay #FalloutCosplay #FalloutMysteryMinis #LBCE #LBCE2016 #MissNanny #MysteryMinis #OriginalFunko #ShiimapanCosplay #SynthCurie #Vault16_SM #Vault81
Hoy es el día descubre junto @grivero64 las nuevas aventuras de Los @muppetbabies aquí en esta plática me confesó que su muppet preferido es Summer y el mío es por supuesto Piggy disfruta del primer episodio en @azteca 7 @disneychannel_la y Disney Junior y el regularmente a partir del 18 de Junio #disneyjunior #muppetsbabies #summer #missnanny #kermitthefrog #misspiggy #gabyrivero today it’s the premier in Latin America of muppets babies Gabriela Rivera a beloved Mexican actress it’s the voice of Miss Nanny
Gabriela Rivero Abaroa, más conocida como “Gaby Rivero”, es quien le da voz a “Miss Nanny” en Muppet Babies, la nueva serie animada de Disney Junior aquí @grivero64 nos invita a todos los @muppetbabies fans a ver el show por @disneyjunior este 10 de junio! Disfruta esta nueva temporada en 3D y con nuevos personajes música y muchísimas aventuras @disneyprensamx @disneynewsla #missnanny the voice of miss nanny in Spanish it’s inviting all the fans @themuppets Babies to watch the new season #disneychannel #muppetsbabies #fozzie #misspiggy #kermitthefrog #gonzo #summer #disneyjunior
1 мая - трубы трубят!
1 мая - все на парад!
Детсадовский стишок нашего советского детства. Ведь раньше 1 мая был поводом достать своё новое ситцевое платье, завязать банты и отправиться с флажками на парад! Приятный праздник из детства!
Желаем радужного настроения, прекрасной погоды, солнца и весны на душе! Ура!
#первомай#миртрудмай #1мая#весна#миссняня#праздник#выходной#цветы#солнце#радость#missnanny#spring#may#happiness #goodwishes