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Gettin’ our Pride on: Murray’s Pride parade was surprisingly and wonderfully well attended. And the “counter-demonstration” was adorably pathetic with 4 participants. You go, Murray! # #Pride #prideparade #prideparadeMurray #summertime #MurrayKY #WKY #CallowayCounty #270 #Kentucky #KentuckyKicksAss #instagramkentucky #MyOldKentuckyHome #IGKentucky #TheBlueGrassState #JacksonPurchase #BeautifulKentucky #MakeItInMurray #mymky #MKYInsiders #PizzosDoKentucky #instagood #stonewall50 #stonewall #instagramer # #lgbtq #lgbt
Happy Father’s Day, everyone! Being a dad is the hardest and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. I love you, sweet girl. And as always, I cannot thank and credit @robynpizzo enough for being my person and my everything. As with all other things in my life, without you I’d be terrible at this. I love you, boo. #fathersday #fathersday2019 #daddysgirl #dad #summertime #MurrayKY #WKY #CallowayCounty #270 #Kentucky #KentuckyKicksAss #instagramkentucky #MyOldKentuckyHome #IGKentucky #TheBlueGrassState #JacksonPurchase #BeautifulKentucky #MakeItInMurray #mymky #MKYInsiders #PizzosDoKentucky