mondocane 4zampe belgiumpavilion biennalearte2019 cani dogsofinstagram haraldthys josdegruyter love mayyouliveininterestingtimes mikepatton puppydog venezia venicebiennale2019 faithnomoreturkey
#mikepatton#happybirthday january 27 a great day for many of us, 51 years ago a boy was born who has become the best singer a complete artist, my admiration and love for him are endless and this account aims to brighten the days with his image because Mike's voice is in my vivid memories and sometimes it's the only reason to smile #felizcumpleaños#happybirthday #faithnomore#mrbungle#fantomas #tomahawk#lovage#peppingtom #mondocane#moonchild @dead_cross_official #mikepattonisgod
belgian pavilion #mondocane, an exhibition by artists #josdegruyter and #haraldthys, curated by anne-claire schmitz. @josdegruyterandharaldthys
#venicebiennale #artbiennale #veniceartbiennale #biennalearte2019 #biennalearte #biennaleartevenezia
#mayyouliveininterestingtimes @labiennale
coverage energised by #edisonitalia @edison_ONOFF