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Somos un equilibrio entre alma/cuerpo/mente, esta imagen nos propone un #tenyearchallenge Perfecto, ¿que tanto hemos cambiado a nivel físico, espiritual y mental!? Si no te lo has preguntado aún te invito a que lo analices y tengas una mirada más abierta de todos esos cambios, Feliz Lunes!!!
PD: si sabes de quien es esta linda y asertiva ilustración hazle un tag para darle los créditos, me pareció increíble ♀️. . #redesconscientes .
#tuestilomindful #elpoderdeamarme
#mononoaware #tuestilomindfu #elpoderdeamarme #holistic #psicology #love #selfcare #autocuidado #amorpropio #balance #autoestima #loveyourself #goodvibes #meditate #woman #happysoul #blueeyes #blue #teraphy #loveyourself #amate #mindfulness #atencionplena #emociones #emotions #medellin #colombia #10yearchallenge
物の哀れ ✧ MONO NO AWARE ✧ (Japanese) — (n.) lit. “the pathos of things” ; the awareness of the impermanence or transience of all things and the gentle sadness and wistfulness at their passing, as well as a longer, deeper, gentle sadness about this state being the reality of life—
_______________________________________________________ ☁︎ awareness is about having the knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. something I find myself thinking about is the secret world that each person has, and only they will ever be able to experience that world. the beauty of life & beauty in general is the fact that it doesn’t last. as much anxiety as that induces, it’s also the fuel that causes artists to make great masterpieces and scientist to stir about a generation defined by it’s inventive spirit. being aware makes life the most terrifying, thrilling, gorgeous, humbling, sacred experience. the only problem is obtaining this awareness, I’m still not sure if it is one of those things that can ever be fully understood and ingrained in a person. I think it’s one of those things we only ever get to feel glimpses of because we only live one life, our own. ☁︎ _______________________________________________________
so be kind to yourself, don’t be afraid to heal yourself, to love yourself
don’t be afraid to embrace the reason you are you, the thing that makes you feel alive, that justifies all bad
everyone has a thing - don’t be afraid to be aware of it