morgoth melkor lotr sauron middleearth lordoftherings tolkien silmarillion mordor thehobbit jrrtolkien hobbit fantasy thesilmarillion lotrmemes mairon fantasymemes fantay gondoriannord hobbitmeme hobbitmemes hobbitmovies lordoftheringsmeme lordoftheringsmemes lotrmeme middleearthmemes thehobbitmeme thehobbitmemes thelordoftherings angband zines
"Silmarillion" to według mnie książka wybitna i największe dzieło J.R.R. Tolkiena. Historia opowiadana przez autora prowokuje do rozważań chociażby na temat tego, czym tak naprawdę jest wiara i co czeka nas po śmierci (Iluvatar traktuje ją jako dar, a nie przekleństwo).W jakim celu ludzie zostali stworzeni? Czy też skąd bierze się zło i jak z nim walczyć? Gorąco polecam wszystkim miłośnikom fantastyki.
PS. Którą książkę Tolkiena Wy cenicie najbardziej?
#jrrtolkien #tolkien #silmarillion #morgoth #lotrfunko #władcapierścieni #tolkiencollection #fantasy #fantasmarium
Jusss waiting on my car ❄A/C to be fixed. Before I catch fireand burst into a pile of ashes. .
While I wait, here is a 'with makeup' and 'without makeup' photo, (For those who ask ). I'll remember to take more for another time. As you all know it's rare when I don't wear makeup. .
What is ONE thing you hate about how you look and what are TWO things you like?
For me, I dislike my smile lines, and definitely plan on getting dermal fillers one day , however I do like my large features and my overall shape.
It's okay to dislike some features about yourself, we probably all do. .
#shadowborn #morgoth #gothboys #gothgirls #gothic #gothgothgoth #darkmori #alternative #altboy #altgirl #gothboy #gothguy #elf #vampire #darkelf #metalhead #menwithmakeup #gothstyle #gothgoth #nugoth #killstar
Taking this whole week off! I'm gonna spend every moment with my wife, and do all the things.
Currently having dinner with family, then hopefully see our amazing friends afterwards.
I honestly might just spend a whole day watching Looney Tunes letting my brain melt.
#shadowborn #gothic #darkmori #altboys #altgirls #gothicmakeup #morgoth #gothboys #gothgirls #nugoth #alternative #alternativeguy #elf #vampire #gothboy #emoboy #altboy #gothgoth #gothgothgoth #gothsofinstagram #witch #fantasy
Silly wizard -
#hobbit #hobbitmemes #hobbitmeme #morgoth #sauron #mordor #morgoth #thehobbit #hobbitmovies #thehobbitmeme #thehobbitmemes #lotr #lotrmemes #lotrmeme #lordoftherings #lordoftheringsmeme #lordoftheringsmemes #middleearth #middleearthmemes #fantay #fantasymemes #fantasy #gondoriannord
A wizard is never late. Nor is he early. -
#hobbit #hobbitmemes #hobbitmeme #morgoth #sauron #mordor #morgoth #thehobbit #hobbitmovies #thehobbitmeme #thehobbitmemes #lotr #lotrmemes #lotrmeme #lordoftherings #lordoftheringsmeme #lordoftheringsmemes #middleearth #middleearthmemes #fantay #fantasymemes #fantasy #gondoriannord
Someone write me a caption -
#hobbit #hobbitmemes #hobbitmeme #morgoth #sauron #mordor #morgoth #thehobbit #hobbitmovies #thehobbitmeme #thehobbitmemes #lotr #lotrmemes #lotrmeme #lordoftherings #lordoftheringsmeme #lordoftheringsmemes #middleearth #middleearthmemes #fantay #fantasymemes #fantasy #gondoriannord
In the first age,Sauron became second-in-command for the original Dark Lord, Morgoth, and basically did whatever evil chores Morgoth needed doing.... #sauron #morgoth #lordoftherings #silmarillion #lotr #tolkien #valar #eru #maiar #fellowshipofthering #twotowers #returnoftheking #trilogy #helmet #ortadünya #middleearth #yüzüklerinefendisi #onering #kadıköy #istanbul #collection #annatar #necromancer #ringsofpower #baraddur #immortal #mace #ainur