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The best streetart of the day: @zoomstreetart in Moscow, Russia. #zoomstreetart #moscowgraffiti #graffitimoscow #moscowstreetart #streetartmoscow #москвастритарт #стритартмосква #стритартмосквы #граффитимосква #граффитимосквы #граффитивмоскве #московскийстритарт #russianstreetart #streetartrussia #russiangraffiti #graffitirussia #граффитироссия #стритарт #граффити
Q: Every piece of your work looks like to a page of your diary shared with the observers, as if you want to build bridges between the private circle and the public circle…
A: it’s a bit of a strange relationship. For instance I am actually very private and at the same time unapologetically open. So if you follow my work you are going to know me on a very intimate level but also not at all. Death is very real. And life is very fleeting. If were not communicating openly, resonating with each other and learning from each other, then what is the point of being alive or making artwork in the first place? - excerpt from interview with @graffitiartmagazine
Video thanks to @vitragi_obsidian
The best streetart of the day: @okudart in Moscow, Russia for @artriummoscow #artriummoscow @artmossphere #artmossphere. #okudart #okuda #okudasanmiguel #moscowgraffiti #graffitimoscow #moscowstreetart #streetartmoscow #москвастритарт #стритартмосква #стритартмосквы #граффитимосква #граффитимосквы #граффитивмоскве #московскийстритарт #russianstreetart #streetartrussia #russiangraffiti #graffitirussia #граффитироссия #стритарт #граффити #topstreetart #streetart #urbanart #graffiti #wallart #graffitiart #streetarteverywhere