movingtoscottsdale movingtoarizona phoenix scottsdale 40under40 buyingandselling canadianinvestors downpaymentassistance flippingphoenix growwithjoi houses investing investor joirealty luxurymarket milliondollarhomes realestate scottsdaleluxury sellyourhouse soldwithjoi surprise thejennajacquesgroup webuyhomes weloveinvestors wholesaler renthishouse soldbyjenna fixandflips hardmoney jjgroup renothishouse
Thoughts from the car
#movingtoscottsdale #twinboymom #liveinscottsdale #scottsdalehomes #scottsdaleliving #scottsdalerealeestate #azhomes #mcdowellmountainranch #sonorandesert #shawnsellsscottsdale #scottsdalelife #realtormom #mcdowellmountainranchhomes #luxurylifestyle #dcranch #buyahouse #sellahouse #realestatemarket #scottsdalearizona
Why I love this town...
We’re close to everything. Desert areas like Cave Creek, city life like down town Phoenix, the craziness of Old Town Scottsdale....
I’ve met my most favorite people in this city. .
This guy lives here ^
There are amazing restaurants like @lossombreros and awesome breweries like @goldwaterbrewingco .
It’s never too cold here and we don’t have to shovel snow. .
You? .
by @ayssaxlens
******STAY HUNGRY******
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Life is full of choices, making the right choices can empower us to live a life with meaning and fulfillment rather then a life of obligation. Excited to be a part of something special at @theagencyaz @theagencyre - @_michaelfranco_