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#msdbjd #balljointeddoll #dollstagram #abjd #bjdphotography #minifee #bjdhobby #doll #dollphotography #bjdstagram #bjdphoto #dollhobby #dollclothes #dolls #fairylandbjd #bjdclothes #bjddoll #dollsofinstagram #dollzone #legitbjd #asianballjointeddoll #fairylandminifee #minifeebjd #bjdmsd #dollcollector #fairyland #minifeeclothes #bjds

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #MSDBJD
#bjdmsd #msdbjd #bjdmsddoll #bjdmsdclothes #slimmsdbjd #msdbjdoll #msdbjds #msdbjdclothes #msdbjdfurniture #msdbjdclothing #msdbjddoll #msdbjddress #msdbjdl #msdbjdsale #msdbjd1 #msdbjdhorns #msdbjdbed #msdbjdforsale #msdbjdoutfit #msdbjdknits #msdbjdtaschen #msdbjdhybrid #msdbjdclothhes

Хештеги на тему #MSDBJD

Misha... naturally wild like the flowers in the meadow . #embersmisha Iplehouse Cordelia wearing GreyEyedDolls #wild #wildflowers #doll #balljointeddoll #bjd #dolls #colourful #portrait #ghosteyes #flowers #dollportrait #girl #msdbjd #iplehouse #iplehousecordelia #dollphoto #resindoll #dollstagram #dollofinstagram #bjdphotography #bjdportrait #photography #beautiful #mustard #dollhobby #dollcollector #bjdphoto

Хештеги на тему #MSDBJD

Happy Easter guys! Buuut... not very happy day for Mr. Schrodinger Luckily, treats are still available on my Etsy . . #bjd #doll #abjd #bjdminiature #balljointeddoll #bjdphotography #dollphotography #dollstagram #bjddoll #bjdeaster #dollsofinstagram #bjds #bjdinstagram #dolls #aisinerisminiature #toy #dollcollector #iplehousebjd #iplehousefid #msdbjd #evethecat #evestudiodolls #evestudio #bjdcat #bjdfood

Хештеги на тему #MSDBJD

After her burn out, Misha rises... like a phoenix from the ashes (thanks to Super-Mares ) . #embersmisha Iplehouse Cordelia wearing SpiritDoll #white #bjd #doll #portrait #whitehair #girl #dolls #balljointeddoll #bjdphoto #photography #bjdphotography #ethereal #dollstagram #iplehouse #iplehousecordelia #resindoll #bjdportrait #dollportrait #msdbjd #dollhobby #dollcollector

Хештеги на тему #MSDBJD

Was able to try on my current MSD sized items that I have reworked/happy with the patterns, I just wanted to make sure that they could be able to go onto not only Minifees, but also most normal sized MSD dolls as well like Kid Delfs and things like that, not everyone I sell to has slim MSD dolls, and I want to make sure when selling items they can fit a majority of dolls. So my best friend @xlfenrislx was kind enough to bring over her Blue Fairy girl and I was able to try on my Hoodie, button up shirt and also jean items to see if they can fit. And by golly they fit way better than I could have hoped for! I worry about having to remake patterns and just hoping if they it, but now I know! So happy! #bjd #bjdinstagram #balljointeddoll #dollstagram #dollsofinstagram #fairylandbjd #minifee #minifeehybrid #fairylandminifee #bjdclothes #bjdclothing #minifeeclothes #bluefairydoll #bjdmsd #msdbjd #bjdmsdclothes #msdclothes #bluefairymay

Хештеги на тему #MSDBJD

Amanzing wig!! I love it . Thank you very much @sonya_wig ........................................................................❤️Faceup by @rakeru_sensei .......................................................................#rakerusensei #rakerusenseifaceup #bjddolls #bjd #bjddoll #bjdhobby #fairyland #balljointeddoll #dollstagram #bjdhobby #bjdphoto #bjdminifee #bjdphotography #bjdclothes #bjdgirl #bjdaddicts #bjdinstagram #bjdchile #minifee #bjotitadoll #msdbjd #abjd #bjdhobby #bjdoll #bjdmsd #bjdsummer #minifeesummer17 #mnfsummer17 #sonyawig #fairylandminifee #minifeewig

Хештеги на тему #MSDBJD

Horrible weather outside strong wind rain ☔️cold !!! So we try worm up in sideAlicia and Sircca #hobby #nikond7500 #bjdaddicts #bjdclothes #balljointeddoll #bjd #bjdmsd #bjdmsddoll #bjdlover #bjdlove #bjdaddict #bjdfaceup #bjdphotography #bjdphoto #bjddolls #bjddoll #bjdinstagram #fairylandbjd #fairyland #fairylanddoll #fairylandminifee #minifee #msdbjd #mnf #bjds #bjdgirl #milklegswig #mnf #bjdclothes #minifeealicia #minifeesircca #bjdfaceup #bjdartist #bjdphoto #bjdphotography #bjddoll #bjddolls

Хештеги на тему #MSDBJD

Good morning ❤️ When I started this hobby, I would have never thought I’d own a Minifee one day. But, I guess, this hobby is full of surprises anyway? When a dear friend put her Ria up for sale, I couldn’t do other than get her. From all the Minifee sculpts Ria is my favorite. . Character: Anne Wieland Doll: FairyLand Minifeé Ria A-Line Face-up: @cucudollfashion Manicure: @cucudollfashion Eyes: MakoEyes Wig: @loki.bjd hat: @grassnotsogreen_oneitherside Clothes: @cucudollfashion . #cucudollfashion_anne #cucudollfashion #mnf #mnfria #minifee #fairyland #makoeyes #msdbjd #slimmsd #handblushing

Хештеги на тему #MSDBJD

ready to see more Starset⭐️here she is✨I really wanted to show off her high heeled boots in a photo but decided to share this photo first instead *.*❤️ my girls have an insane high heel collection going and I haven’t shown any of them in their photos, I am always taking close-up photos, I find it very, very difficult to take nice photos of their entire bodies, but I’m trying to get better and improve at that because I would really love to start showing off their high heels with their outfits ; v ; painted by the lovely @rakeru_sensei ❤️ her alpaca hair is by the sweet @4arllin ❤️ (◡‿◡ ) her top is by @kuroi_carousel ❤️ her doll artist is: @bimong11 ❤️ #bimong #narae #narae410 #bimongnarae #bjd #msd #bjdphoto #bjdphotography #dollphotos #balljointeddoll #naraebjd #narae40 #bjdmsd #msdbjd #bjdphoto #alpacawig #4arllin #rakerusensei #rakerusenseifaceup #kuroicarousel #blackcarouselbjd

Хештеги на тему #MSDBJD

Misha catsuit queen. Wishing all a happy Friday! ❤️ . Iplehouse Cordelia wearing SartoriaJ #iplehouse #iplehousecordelia #bjd #doll #dolls #balljointeddoll #msdbjd #bjdphotography #dolls #dollphotography #dollportrait #alpacahair #bjddoll #bjdphoto #dollcollector #resindoll #catsuit #sartoriaj #embersmisha

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