mudfloodvolcano mudflood tartaria justonerock research hiddenknowledge stillhappening earthquake forbiddenarcheology fakehistory lahar sacredknowledge ancient lookforbrokenspots mudflow realnews survivers fakealiens excavation strata atlantis forbiddenknowledge juststarting ancientbuilders billions buried buriedcity flatearth historyisfake jorden justonerock
Africa ❤️ African architecture has stayed pretty much the same for a long time. Its really amazing actually to see what people even today can do with mud bricks. And loose stones.
And, as I've been saying these strange knobs, or protrusion's, on ancient megalithic wall's and structures are part of the building process involving plaster.
Ill be diving a little deeper into African architecture.
Zimbabwe remind you of anything? New Grange maybe? Or "ancient quarry's"
2nd picture.. Gobekli Tepe... Dolmens?
5th picture : Small rubble masonry underneath the bigger structure (in Peru smaller stones are found under megalithic walls)
And... Knobs knobs knobs. All part of a normal human construction method still used today by skillful Africans
Africa is the perfekt example of how the "ancient lost civilisation" could have built their cities.
I have so much more about Aficare i think this will be a 3 series.
Ancient lost Atlantean technology coming up... Really intresting symbols on top of the houses.. Ooow. Did i say this is mostly from the Dogan tribe:) #justonerock #tartaria #hiddenknowledge #fakehistory #forbiddenarcheology #forntiden #ancient #fakealiens #fakenews #ancientarchitecture
#afrika #africa #dogon #Atlantis #heavenisaolaceon #righthere #knobs #megalith #newgrange #zimbabwe #mudflood #mudfloodvolcano
During earthquake's these megalithic wall's damage.
You dont have to be a rocket scientist or engeneer to see what the ancient civilisation's did to build their cities.
Of course, to see that human hands could acomplish such a facada, is disapointing. No more Star Trek.. No more Luke Skywalker being real. Just us. A bunch of people.. That would force a lot of us to take a look around and realize : We have to take care of each other, we need it.. No aliens are coming to zip you away, levitate things into place for you, or show you any ancient secret long lost when Atlantis sunk.. Thats all up to ourself. Our brothers and sisters here on earth. On those you can count.. To look for awnsers outside of ourselves, is a psychological trick the parasites play on us.
The awnser's to these wall's are in plain sight.. Eye can see them, can you?
#justonerock #mudflood #tartaria #mudfloodvolcano #stillhappening #forbiddenarcheology #hiddenknowledge #research #sacredknowledge #ancient
Dolmens #justonerock
One of the earliest form's of housing after caves.
To me the reason why the roof does not fall off from its pillars is because the roof is stuck to those pillars.
Thats also why earthquake's didnt shake down the roof in those 1000's of years.
My meaning is that this house, this Dolmen, is not constructed from different megalithic stones. Instead the builders used the rock where it natually accure's and cut this geologically feature into the shape of what we now call a Dolmen.
My suggestion is that most, if not all ancient structures, are a form of sculpture rather than structure.
It would have been much easier for ancient peoples to cut away stone untill a desired shape was achieved.
It solves a lot of questions that have lead us to believe the most insane ideas.
They didnt drag, cut, move, lift 800 tonnes stones. This is, just like your logic and reason tell you, impossible. Mainstream historians but also so called independent researchers all claim this is some how still the case. They will come up with really any awnser, any solution to keep us fooled.
We were not people of brute force. Making war. Sacrifacing each other in hope that the crops would grow this year. We are not savages. Brain dead zombies.
We are creatures of love, art, music, harmony, unity.
To me, this theory resonates closely to what i believe we are. Not savages but intelligent creative beings. And from birth we want nothing more than to connect with other. Not kill each other.
#justonerock #justonelove #forbiddenarcheology #hiddenknowledge #research #oldworld #flatearth #researchflatearth #nasalies #fakehistory #tartaria #ancientbuilders #simpletrick #mudflood #mudfloodvolcano
Paint edition #justonerock
2pic: top box it looks like white stones underneath the grey stone. The middle box shows the same casing stone mothod as the smallest pyramid at Giza. Lowest box looks like the grey outside was a layer and is now gone. (similar to a megalith at Stone Henge)
Pic 3: Missing grooves within the solid rock which indicates.. Well thats it might be solid rock and not seperate stones.
Pic 4 : very strange "grooves" around the entrence of a house. On the same wall the carvings of animals are similar to the "grooves" that would be evidence of seperate stones, but this shows how precise the ancient builders were in cutting grooves and edges
Pic 5: same groove as 4
Pic 6: It looks like cutting or grooving a straight line went wrong. Also the line was finished and not abrupted in the middle, indicating that the method used is continiues and instant perhaps?
Pic 7: Same strange 'molden' look as 6. Everything looks a bit as if its pressed, or has been in a more fluid state before
Pic 8 : no grooves or edges within what appears to be solid rock. Or something that used to be more foldeble, pressable.. #cusco #peru #justonerock #plaster #paint #geopolymer #voilaancientcity #mudflood #tartaria #mudfloodvolcano #forbiddenarcheology #hiddenknowledge #research
Mysterious giant ball's in Costa Rica
As i mentioned before these ball's seem te exist from different layers.
A lava ball is a rock blown out of a (mudflood) vulcano and later coated by fluid lava.
It is claimed that these ball's have radiation and it happens that vulcano's create radiation during eruption.
The same happens with undersea vulcano's. They create lava ball's. Mudflood vulcano's also create these ball's.. Guess which one is vulcanic lava ball and which one is ancient Costa Rica ball.. #mudfloodvolcano #mudflood #tartaria #earthquake #stillhappening #survivers #normalpeople #hiddenknowledge #forbiddenarcheology #simpletrick #fakealiens #historyisfake