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May the month of my wee gal✨✨
3am: my waters broke and I was sure of what it was straight away. I started preparing for a long wait at home of early labour
4am: Jake finally decided to make an appearance after not believing me that my waters had broken and going back to sleep
5am: things felt like they were happening fast and became hard to handle but you are told so frequently your in early labour for along period and need to spend this time at home.
5:30am: Jake made the call to head to the hospital I was thankful my midwife was confident within my own instincts
6am: We arrived at the hospital and I immediately requested an epidural I had lost control and was in a bad place emotionally at this point
6:30am: I was already close to 8cm dilated but they started attempting it and it was unsuccessful and to late
7am: by now I felt ready to push even with a fast labour this stage felt like it’d never come and when you feel ready you really know it! I finally started using the gas correctly and started getting back on track and in control. I pushed for 2 hours with tearing and a episiotomy♀️
8am: The final push and Brea was here 18th May 2018
8:30am: I spent a small amount of time with her and was taken to theatre to repair the tearing
Definitely not a flattering photo but it wasn’t a flattering time. Nearly a year down the track and I can definitely say it’s empowering now
This is the question I asked myself when we found out i was pregnant. I remember Scott Pape recommended to have $10k saved up for ‘start up costs’ for a new baby, but i wanted to see how cheap we could actually do it. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I’m pleased to say we have spent just under $2,300 in total and have everything we need for our new bub! We did get given some things (and a few things i sold as i knew we wouldn’t need them) but overall I’m happy with the amount we have spent. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I went into this with a minimalist approach and have not purchased anything that I didn’t think we needed straight away. For example, I haven’t bought a breastpump as i have no idea how my breastfeeding journey will go, so if i need to buy one later (or rent one!) then ill worry about that once bub is born. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Our house has minimal storage space so I’ve tried to be intentional with everything we’ve purchased. We bought some things second hand, some were freebies from Facebook marketplace and other items we bought from IKEA and didn’t spend a fortune. A lot of his clothes were $5 a piece from cotton on kids factory outlet ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I know the cost of having a baby will increase as he gets older but I’m pretty happy with our initial outlay. And ill continue to review what we have vs what he needs as he grows and take it from there now to sit back and have a baby!
Be gone laundry stains!
Lemon juice and sunlight is another fantastic stain remover!
I must be getting old as this excites me so much ! What are your go to stain removal hacks?
#laundry #stain #stainremoval #stainremoval101 #nomorestains #strucket #clothing #laundryhacks #mumlife #fresh #freshhome #cleanhome
No one likes to be controlled. And we can’t really control anyone else’s behaviour anyway. All we can do is control our own!
It is not our job as parents or teachers, to control the behaviour of children. It is our job to guide them. To teach them skills. To help them make wise choices.
And if we have a strong connection with them, if we have built a solid foundation of trust and security, then they will want to do as we ask. We listen to those we respect and trust. We welcome their guidance, and we ask for it, because we know it is safe to do so.
To be that safe, secure base for our children and students, we need to control our own behaviors and reactions. We need to offer gentle guidance that draws them closer to us, rather than punitive consequences that push them away.
We need to allow them to make mistakes, and be the imperfect little humans they are meant to be. We need to have realistic expectations and standards and understand the reasons behind their behaviours.
And we need to work on healing our own childhood wounds and understand the reasons behind our own behaviours, too. We need to know and respond to our own limiting beliefs that trigger us to respond in unhelpful or hurtful ways.
We need to heal our own inner child so we can be the person we want them to be ❤️
Tones and textures ~ I think these colours together might just be my favourite ever Happy Wednesday Mamas ~ can you believe we are in May, this year is flying! But that means our Winter collection is so so close now Can’t wait to show you all soon but in the mean time, shop our Autumn pieces while you still can xo
Bom dia! Hoje as opções foram:
. Crepes veganos (receita da @elavegan )
. Compota caseira de morango
. Calda de chocolate 50%
. Frutas
. Já falei aqui que as minhas kids amam crepe né? Eu gosto de fazer porque geralmente as receitas são do tipo “mistura tudo numa tigela e passa na frigideira” . A parte mais complicada eu acho que é espalhar a massa na frigideira e conseguir crepes fininhos. A massa de hoje achei fácil de espalhar (mais líquida) e os primeiros crepes ficam ótimos. Com o passar dos minutos, ela acaba engrossando um pouco. Para resolver, acrescentei mais leite na massa dos últimos crepes e deu tudo certo. Os meus não ficam perfeitos, mas as kids comem tudo (então, considero que ficaram perfeitos )
. Para acompanhar, calda de chocolate e a compota caseira que servi ontem. Fiz mais hoje porque não sobrou quase nada da outra.
. E como adoro dar um charme extra sempre que possível, uma enfeitou o café (e foi devorada por crianças famintas )
. Uma ótima terça! Enjoy!
. RECEITA: Crepe vegano sem glúten
. 1 xíc de farinha de aveia
. 4 col sopa de polvilho doce
. 4 col sopa de amido de milho ou fécula de batata
. 2 col sopa de semente de linhaça moída (não coloquei)
. 1 + 1/2 xíc de leite de coco ou outro leite vegetal de sua preferência (usei de cajú + coco)
. 1 + 1/2 col sopa de xarope de maple (usei mel)
. Processe todos os ingredientes em um processador ou misture tudo à mão em uma tigela.
. Aqueça uma frigideira antiaderente untada em fogo médio.
. Coloque porções da massa com ajuda de uma colher, e espalhe rapidamente a massa girando a frigideira.
. Quando a borda do crepe começar a se soltar, vire e cozinhe do outro lado. Sirva com o acompanhamento de sua preferência. Bom apetite!
Obs: se necessário, utilize farinha de aveia gluten free (sem traços de glúten). Após um tempo, a massa crua começa a engrossar, se necessário, adicione um pouco mais de leite para facilitar o processo de espalhar na frigideira. Fiz 1/2 receita e aqui rendeu 8 crepes pequenos.