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A mother bids farewell to her 18-year-old son, Azzam Raguragui, who was stabbed to death on Friday on his way to #Iftar in #Dublin. #ramadan2019 #Ireland #ireland_gram #ireland_daily #ireland_insta #irelanddaily #dublinstagram #dublinireland #dublincity #dublinblogger #muslimfamily #muslimworld #finsburypark #finsburyparkmosque #innalillahiwainnailaihirojiun #muslimboy #muslimboys #muslimmothers #mothersongoals #ukmuslims #ukmuslim #backtojannah #jannahismygoal #instamuslim #muslimparents #muslimparenting #muslimworldwide #ramadan2019
“A tiny gift from heaven, I can’t believe it’s real...a test for us to relish, this new love that we feel”
To me, this is the most precious song on my new album. I wrote it when my wife surprised me with the news that we were expecting.
It’s a love song, but also one of immense gratitude and recognition that not everyone is blessed with this gift of parenthood...and though raising a child is challenging at times, we often forget that struggling to conceive and build a family is a very difficult test to endure.
May Allah bless those struggling to build a family of their own...and grant them patience, peace, and love. And may He grant us all empathy and allow us to be a source of mercy.
#RaefMercyAlbum #muslimparenting #MuslimParenthood
Mana nih suaranya Bunda-Bunda pejuang ASI? ❤
Siapa bilang menyusui itu gampang? Salah satu struggle yang paling berat waktu jadi ibu adalah fase menyusui ini. Bengkak, badan meriang, demam, belum lagi kurangnya dukungan sekitar
Pengen nangis dan nyerah kalo nggak inget si baby yang butuh asupan nutrisi ASI adalah kebutuhan krusial si kecil yang wajib kita penuhi, selain karena meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, ASI juga merupakan salah satu kiat bonding anak dengan ibunya ❤ masyaa Allah......
Nah, biar ASI bunda lancar, jangan lupa untuk selalu support bunda ya Ayah buat bunda senang, karena ketika bunda bahagia, insyaa Allah ASInya lancarrrrr dan berkualitas
Punya rencana apa nih buat bikin Bunda di rumah happy? Coba deh pijitin bunda nanti malam ❤ dan jangan lupa ucapkan terimakasih padanya
FOLLOW YUK @babymalikaofficial & @babymalika.stories untuk info seputar edukasi islami
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"The Prophet ﷺ took a nurturing approach to his relationships, building trust and credibility as their foundation. He showed compassion and empathy while maintaining self-discipline and balance in all aspects of life, with consistency and ihsan in his own actions and allowance for ease when it came to the actions of others. It is well-documented that he was particularly kind and affectionate toward children." Read more on Islamic parenting in our "Publications" highlight. .
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Gli inglesi direbbero il mio primo plumcake come metafora. Io invece dico la mia prima Tenerina. Non so fare le torte. So fare la tenerina. E quando ne devo fare una faccio sempre quella. Però la faccio bene, anzi molto bene
Ormai il mio ometto sta crescendo. Il 31 Maggio ha compiuto 7 anni, come passa il tempo non si sa. Se ripenso alla mia vita prima di lui vedo il vuoto, non ricordo come eravamo io e mio marito prima di diventare genitori e crescere una famiglia.
Eppure dicevamo di non avere tempo, ma cosa facevamo?
Tanti auguri piccolo Issah, perché anche se ormai stai crescendo rimani il mio bambino. Mi rendo conto che a volte approfittiamo del tuo essere il figlio più grande, ti chiediamo tanto, fai spesso delle rinunce per i tuoi fratellini, la tua comprensione e il tuo senso di responsabilità che hai mostrato fin da più piccolo ci ha sempre stupiti. Eri tu che a volte ci venivi incontro di tua spontanea volontà per smorzare un capriccio di tuo fratello. Non dimenticheremo mai quella prima di tante volte. La tua diligenza è straordinaria; certi che ci farai battere il cuore per orgoglio, ti auguriamo un futuro roseo promettendo di esserti vicini, sempre.
Che Allah ti benedica ogni giorno per il resto della tua vita!
الحمدالله .
#tbt #happybirthdaycake #myfirstson #7yearsold #familylife #familymoments❤️ #muslimmom #motherhoodlife #familyof6 #mothersofboys #photomemory y #happyfamilymoments #mammeinrete #our_everyday_moment
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#raisingmuslimkids #mykidsaremylife #lovemykidssomuch #photofamily
1. We were the last ones off the flight ✈️ 2. Everyone everyoneeee stared at us as we got off with a billion items and 3 babies. Nobody nobodyyyyy offered a helping hand. One attendant dragged some items to the entrance for us but @aircanada didn't assist in any way, shape, or form.
3. We built 2 strollers and unattached 3 car seats from their bases to attach them to the strollers.
4. We took our babies out of our @babybjorn carriers and loaded them in their car seats.
5. We got all of our things and went on our way: the strollers and car seats, as mentioned, a baby bag, 3 backpacks, 2 carry ons, and 1 large stroller bag stuffed with another stroller bag and 3 car seat bags.
6. We collected our 1 checked bag and Ahraaz went to pick up our rental (@enterprise_inspires upgraded us to an Escalade after hearing we have triplets. Thx!)
7. Babies went wild while waiting for car so we had to feed them.
8. We got to our destination in the Escalade and the babies went wild again. Maybe it was the time change. Maybe it was the new surroundings.
9. We did it. Traveling with triplets! ✈️
This has to be my favorite drawing I did for @noor_nursery_books “I love my mamas hijab” I not only enjoyed doing it but I also loved the concept! .
Practicing religion is difficult in today’s age, I will specially talk about putting on a hijab everyday knowing that this may bring the backlash - from the strangers and even from the loved ones as well, it’s also difficult “hiding” your beauty when sometimes you want to flaunt ur hair! It’s difficult!! .
This book reminds the mommies that no matter how difficult putting on a hijab or actually anything wrt the religion, no matter how difficult just being a mommy, the reason of putting effort is pleasure of Allah and most importantly because our daughters are watching.
Our daughters are getting inspired.
Our daughters are learning.
Our kids are becoming, whether we like it or not, a lot like who we are and what we do! .
#muslimlife #muslimah #muslimahwear #muslimwomen #muslimwomens #muslima #muslimdress #muslimquotes #muslimparenting #muslimmom #muslimmummy #muslimahwear #muslimmummy #mamalife #momanddaughter #meandmydaughter #muslimhumour #muslimwear #muslims #muslimahstyle #muslimahapparelthings