nadinehurley twinpeaks davidlynch firewalkwithme audreyhorne laurapalmer loglady shellyjohnson twinpeaksart dalecooper jameshurley wendyrobie albertrosenfield fanzine independentpublishing normajennings small thegreatnorthern zine zines zinesters plaidoftwinpeaks season2 edhurley twinpeaksplaid twinpeaksthereturn twinpeaksukfest 90sfashion davidlynchworld zinesters
"Buy yourself a shovel! Dig yourself out of the shit and get educated!" #drlawrencejacoby #drjacoby #twinpeaks #twinpeaksthereturn #markfrost #quoteoftheday #goldenshovel #twinpeaks2017 #russtamblyn #3Dglasses #davidlynch #nadinehurley #agentcooper #laurapalmer #firewalkwithme #damngoodcoffee #theowlsarenotwhattheyseem
Sometimes in life you can’t wait for permission to model an officially licensed @showtime Twin Peaks-themed holiday sweater. Sometimes, even if Christmas is seven months away, you have to go out to your parking garage and just model the hell out of the thing even if no one asked you to model it in the first place. Here’s to taking charge of your life! ☕️
#twinpeaks #twinpeaksseason3 #laurapalmer #firewalkwithme #davidlynch #christmassweater #dalecooper #damnfinecoffee #twinpeaksart #audreyhorne #cherrypie #blacklodge #wrappedinplastic #loglady #gordoncole #twinpeaksthereturn #snoqualmiefalls #welcometotwinpeaks #theowlsarenotwhattheyseem #majorbriggs #nadinehurley #oneeyedjacks #markfrost #killerbob #eraserhead
Day 4: Craving Craven - The People Under the Stairs is a favorite!!!! I used to make my sister watch it every time we got late night munchies. We wouldd hit Taco Bell, go home, and camp out in the basement and pop this gem in. I can't share these two without mentioning Twin Peaks. #thackersshamefulhorrorchallenge #TSHChallenge #thepeopleunderthestairs #wescraven #womanandman #mommyanddaddy #bigedhurley #nadinehurley #twinpeaks #everettmcgill#wendyrobie