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Hey Curious Investors,
If this process confuses you, don’t worry, it’s designed that way on purpose
How the process works in short:
1. Government needs more money for whatever reason.
2. The Treasury issues Bonds (debt) that is bid on and bought by Primary Dealers (big banks).
3. The Primary Dealers buy the Bonds and the Treasury receives dollars.
4. The Federal Reserve then writes a check (on an empty account) to the Primary Dealers to buy the Bonds.
5. When the Federal Reserve buys these Bonds, the Primary Dealers receive newly created dollars in their accounts.
6. The Primary Dealers then go and buy more Bonds at the Treasury with the newly created dollars.
7. The process repeats until a certain amount of Bonds have been bought.
BUT what you need to understand is that these Treasury Bonds are loans (national debt). And like you already know, loans come with interest!
So the government must pay interest on these Bonds. And where does the government get its revenues from? That’s right: from taxpayers⚕️⚖️
Every time the Treasury issues new Bonds, the nation is indebted a little bit more…
If you still have trouble understanding what is happening, please let me know in the comments and I’ll try to explain as well as I can!
I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!
Stay Curious
❤️ - Robert
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President Donald Trump promised during his campaign that he would erase the national debt.
But earlier this month, his priorities shifted. He said building up the military is more important and that without it, “you don’t have to worry about debt.”
The national debt stands at $22 trillion, with $2.1 trillion of that deficit coming in under Trump’s presidency. Trump insisted his tax cuts, the decrease in regulations and greater infrastructure spending would stimulate the economy and cause growth.
Instead, the Congressional Budget Office predicts the budget deficit will continue to grow, eventually reaching about 150% of GDP in the next 30 years.
But before Trump focuses on the debt, he says he has “no choice but to straighten out our military.”
To find out more, visit the link in bio.
#debt #nationaldebt #donaldtrump #trump #presidenttrump #campaign #military #army #defecit #president #gdp #politics #politicalnews #business #businessnews #cnbc
Trump: "Why do you support the animals that are the M-13?" ■■■■■■■■■■ Senator Harris: "As a career prosecuted I actually went after gangs and transitional criminal organizations. That's being a leader in public safety. What is NOT, is ripping babies from their mother's arms."
Burn Donny Burn!
First designed in 2004, but when first posted on June 1, 2014 the US National Debt was $17,555,437,713,940 (17.5 trillion) Currently the US National Debt is $21,351,711, 376, 408 (21.3 trillion)... and rising approximately one trillion dollars per year.
Mortgage Debt is approximately $15,128,532,976,065 (15.1 trillion), Student Debt is at $1,542,715,227,094 (1.5 trillion) and Credit Card Debt is around $1,038,643,761,108 (one trillion)
Check out the crazy ticking clock at
The national debt just passed $22 trillion for the first time, after being just half that a decade ago.
That’s a big, scary number, but what matters is the debt-to-GDP level, which is not in the danger zone now — but threatens to get there before long.
Debt held by the public is projected to rise to 93% of GDP in the next 10 years. From there, the level is expected to hit 150% by 2049, which is well above what economists consider sustainable.
Learn more about the economics of the U.S. debt burden, at the link in bio. *
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