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| Ninety Degrees |
The wait is almost over!
We’re very excited! “The reason for all this excitement?” you might ask. It’s because this weekend our new collection, Ninety Degrees, will finally hit our store and webshop. We’re looking forward to guiding you through the numerous stunning earrings, countless fabulous rings, refined necklaces and striking bracelets.
A huge source of inspiration for this season was one of Carlo Scarpa’s masterpieces, namely the memorial site he designed for the Brion family near Treviso, Italy, in the seventies.
Curious to see how we interpreted and translated details of this magical place into a jewelry collection? Stay tuned, because during the following days we’ll offer you a closer look into Ninety Degrees.
Mark this Saturday the 27th in your agenda, stop by our store or enjoy browsing our website to check out what’s new!
#ninetydegrees #newcollection #fw19 #studiocollect #jewelry #jewelryinspiration #inspiration #ikkoopbelgisch #launch #checkoutwhatsnew #carloscarpa #architecture