njpreschools manalapan marlboronj montessori morganvillenj njmom writing aberdeennj academics advancedlearning astepaheadpreschool centraljersey centralnj freeholdnj holmdelcoltsneck kindergarten matawannj math newjerseymoms oldbridgenj reading summercamp themonmouthmoms daycare howellnj prek preschool preschoolnj earlychildhoodeducation themonmouthmoms
Last night at the TEDX YOUTH event in Lincroft ACP Master Teacher, Debbie Piescor, and current parent, Gina Miele addressed play as a right for ALL children. Former student, Max Oster organized and hosted the event. Our school is proud of all of you as you advocate for and live the message you shared. “Every day, and in many ways, let’s let our children play.”
#lincroftnj #middletownj #fairhavenj #holmdelnj #acpschool #reggioemilia #reggioemiliaapproach #reggioinspired #njpreschools
Maddie's family has been fostering two ducklings. They shared them with the children at school before returning Lady Gaga and Duck Duck Goose to the farm. What great visitors!
#acpschool #njpreschools #earlychildhoodeducation #lincroftnj #middletownnj #fairhavennj #holmdelnj #reggioemiliaapproach #reggioemilia #reggioinspired
Wow! That has to be the coolest bunny cake ever! Who is excited to eat it? Looks like everyone is! Hats off to chef Robin! #eastercelebration #hadsomuchfun #astepaheadpreschool .
#math #reading #writing #art #marlboronj #academics
#montessori #advancedlearning #freeholdnj #holmdelcoltsneck #howellnj #aberdeennj #matawannj #morganvillenj #manalapan #oldbridgenj #prek #daycare #summercamp #preschool #kindergarten #njmom #themonmouthmoms #njpreschools #newjerseymoms #centraljersey #centralnj
Doing an awesome job writing my letters! Practice makes perfect! #writing #astepaheadpreschool .
#math #reading #writing #art #marlboronj #academics
#montessori #advancedlearning #freeholdnj #holmdelcoltsneck #howellnj #aberdeennj #matawannj #morganvillenj #manalapan #oldbridgenj #prek #daycare #summercamp #preschool #kindergarten #njmom #themonmouthmoms #njpreschools #newjerseymoms #centraljersey #centralnj