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@fighting_for_purity this is for you!!!!
@rebootandrebel @elevatedrecovery
@rejectionals @evolving_dionisio It's only a relapse now that you are aware that it's a problem. Keep up the good work bro you are right where you need to be and in that 15 day streak is all you need to succeed!!!
#awarenesses #gohard365 #keepgoingstrong #relapsed #notlosing #neverlosing #reboots #itsokay #pickyourselfup #yougoodbro #pornhurts #nofap101 #nofapzone
Sometimes you need that extra push #nofap #nofapday6 #nofaparty #nofapday14 #nofapujada #nofapmeme #nofapever #nofapmemes #nofape #nofapnov #nofapday4 #nofaps #nofapnovemeber #nofapseptember #nofapjune #nofapnovember #nofapudor #nofapzone #nofapchallenge #nofap #nofapfap #nofapapril #nofapforever #nofapindia #nofapermi #nofappin #nofapday3 #nofaplife #nofapafred #nofap2017