oatmeal breakfast healthyfood vegan healthy veganfood oats plantbased fitness food fruit peanutbutter healthybreakfast healthylifestyle porridge banana delicious foodie homemade lunch brunch coconut eatclean eggs foodporn glutenfree photography veganbreakfast yummy ясносолнышко_рецепт
Happy ☀️-day - one jar for me and one for you? This vanilla and coconut oatmeal with warm and fresh raspberries was true heaven! Wish you a wonderful evening and an amazing start into the new week! Happy Sunday ihr Lieben, die liebe @anna.culina hat mich gestern mit ihren beiden Gläsern so verzaubert, dass ich mir heute etwas ähnliches gemacht habe bei mir wurde es ein Kokos-Vanille Porridge mit warmen und frischen Himbeeren ein Traum! Meinen Sonntag hab ich genutzt und viel für die Uni gemacht bzw. gelernt .. umso mehr freue ich mich jetzt auf einen entspannten Abend. Wie war euer Sonntag? .
#foodbloggers #healthybreakfast #healthycuisines #healthyfood #healthyvegan #bestofvegan #beautifulcuisines #letscookvegan #oatmeal #veganbreakfast #plantbasedeating #plantbasedfood #eatplants #thrivemags #yuminthetumrepost #vegangermany #vegandeutschland #veganfood #feedfeed #food4thought
As weekend come chocolate pleasure must come as well I have to say this is what I look forward to every night when I go sleep And this chocolate I found in our local shop? Taste unreal It does not contain any sugar and has great nutritional values I’ll add photo of chocolate to my ig stories (or rather package because the whole chocolate is already eaten) It didn't last for so long
———————————————————————— S víkendom musí prísť aj čokoládové potešenie No a musím povedať, že toto je to na čo sa teším každý večer keď zaspávam A táto čokoláda ktorú som objavila v CBA? Neskutočná Neobsahuje žiadny cukor a má super zloženie Fotku čokolády pridám do stories (alebo skôr obalu pretože čokoláda už nie je). Nevydržala mi moc dlho
So I added some hemp protein powder to my oatmeal and it turned out.. grey? So maybe this oatmeal does not look very appetizing, but at least it tasted good! Also the lightening was soo bad while I shot this so it was a real struggle to edit this
- Anyways it’s oatmeal cooked in half water half oatmilk with 1 tbsp hemp protein powder and 1 tsp chia seeeds. Topped with berries, fruit, shredded coconut and agavesirup.
Älskade gröt, jag tröttnar aldrig! Den här gången valde jag att ha i hampaprotein i gröten men tyvärr blev den helt grå/grön då.. Försökte piffa upp den med lite färgglada bär och banan! Dessutom var det så dåligt ljus när jag fotade så det var verkligen ett struggle att redigera den här bilden..
(Förresten - måste även ta och investera i Lightroom! Just nu använder jag gratisversionen och den funkar, men jag vill ha alla funktioner Någon som använder Lightroom och kan rekommendera det?)
#oats #oatmeal #porridge #bowl #veganbowl #bowls #banana #vegan #veganfood #foodie #vegantreats #plantbased #foodphotography #foodstyling #cleaneating #veganfoodshare #vegandaily #glutenfree #feedfeed #feedfeedbaking #veganworldshare #nyttigt #delicioushealthysweets #food52 #bestofvegan #vegangotgame #yourdailyveganfood
Happy Sunday! I woke up at 5:30am this morning, because my body clock decided I needed to get up! Now I’m very tired but it’s okay, I spent a few hours to myself in the quiet! I went for a walk and came back to some pancakes, it was bliss I actually really love to get up early most of the time when I have mornings like this! Hope you enjoyed your weekend lovelies!
Throwback to this dreamy bowl - Cinnamon Banana Porridge with caramelised banana, creamy coconut yoghurt, blackberries & almonds! (RECIPE ON MY BLOG, link in my bio) .
#oatmeal #porridge #oats #breakfast #cinnamon #bananaporridge #veganbreakfast #veganuk #plantpower #eatmoreplants #nourishtoflourish #healthyeating #nourishyourbody
What’s your favorite thing about the weekend? I love weekends for the simple reason that it’s good not having a schedule and just being able to enjoy the day for what it is. To sleep in and not care. To randomly go to the gym if I want to. Eat breakfast when I want. It’s a very comforting and enjoyable feeling. We started the day kind of late. Needed the extra sleep. So to make breakfast quick and easy, we just went for some simple oats and not pictured is the matcha latte that I sipped on. So good. Oats were topped with mango, blackberries, strawberries, banana, pepitas, and a sprinkle of a seed mix I have from Trader Joe’s. Happy Sunday everyone!
1/2 cup quick oats
1 tbsp ground flax seeds
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 medjool date, diced
1 mashed banana
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
Salt to taste
Combine all ingredients except for banana. Bring to a simmer and stir as it thickens, 3 minutes. Towards end of cook time add in banana and remove from heat. Stir to combine and adjust salt to taste.
Morning Porridge Peeps!
How are we all after the holidays?
Kick starting a week the right way is so important.
Been loving adding this Peanut Butter Protein powder by @thatprotein into my porridge for a bit of extra boost on busy days, but also because I mean who doesn’t love more peanut butter? Can never have enough if you ask me
Aside from it tasting awesome, making sure you get enough protein in your diet really is important. Here’s some reasons why (my GCSE biology knowledge comes flooding back here)
1. Protein is required for the growth and maintenance of tissues & muscles in the body. Your protein needs are dependent upon your health and activity level so vary for everyone. It’s important you get the correct amount for you.
2. Enzymes are proteins that allow key biochemical reactions to take place within your body such as: Digestion, Energy production, Blood clotting & Muscle contraction
3. Amino acid chains form protein and peptides, which overall make up several hormones and transmit information between cells, tissues & organs.
4. Protein helps the body regulate proper pH values of the blood and other bodily fluids.
There’s sooooo many more reasons, but I’ve spent enough time reminiscing on GCSE days & should probably get back to revision for my A-Level Economics
Hope everyone has a nice day ✨
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Hey there! An other day, an other bowl of oatmeal - it’s my beloved vanilla oatmeal but this time with strawberries, kiwi, popped quinoa, flaxseeds and a berry chocolate choc granola
Neuer Tag, neue Oatmeal Bowl - diesmal mit Erdbeeren, Kiwi, Leinsamen, gepufftem Quinoa und dem Berry Coconut Chocolate Granola von @mymuesli. In meiner Story [ & den Highlights ] findet ihr einen Link mit dem ihr euch ein Gratis Probierpaket zu eurer Bestellung sichern könnt - schaut also gerne mal vorbei. Da zeige ich euch übrigens auch mein Lieblingsmüsli von @mymuesli , welches ihr bestimmt noch nicht kennt
#foodbloggers #fitfood #healthybreakfast #healthycuisines #healthyfood #healthyvegan #bestofvegan #beautifulcuisines #letscookvegan #oatmeal #veganbreakfast #plantbasedeating #plantbasedfood #eatplants #thrivemags #yuminthetumrepost #vegangermany #vegandeutschland #veganfood #feedfeed #food4thought