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Last year, I was asked to be the Featured Artist for the Permian Basin Fair & Exposition. Therefore, instead of resting this Labor Day Weekend, I had the opportunity to display my three favorite things in the world: Glass Blowing, Photography, and Graphic Design. It was an amazing experience to learn how to display my work and talk about it. Thank you to all the amazing people who made this possible; from my favorite teachers to best friends and family, I could not have done it without y’all! (@sealetl19 @lovely_blue_skye)
Although I will not be there for the rest of the week, the show will be open until September 9th. I encourage all to go out and support the arts in Odessa!
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Наложенный платеж с предоплатой 200 грн
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ЦЕНА 540 грн
Код: 7530
Материал: эко - кожа
Цвета: черный + питон
Сезон: лето
Размеры 36-40
36-23,5 см
37-24 см
38-24,5 см
39-25,5 см
40-26 см