omarosatapes omarosa resist donaldtrump maga impeachtrump notmypresident tapes bluewave receipts registertovote vote2018 illegitimatetrump imstillwithher iwillvote lawrenceodonnell lockhimup neveragain rachelmaddow thisisamerica treason true45 trumphate trumprussia chriscuomo funnymeme blackgirlmagic trump unhinged johnmccain numbers
there's a treat at the end of the video Lord she says she's got tapes of Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner too. They say she's got hundreds of tapes .... #HitPlay
__________________________________________ #RegistertoVote #Omarosatapes #BlueWave #vote2018 #iwillvote #treason #Ireallydocare #TrumpHate #funnymeme #receipts #NeverAgain #maga #enemyofthepeople #true45 #illegitimateTrump #trumprussia #LawrenceODonnell #tapes #SeanHannity #RachelMaddow #Muellertime #mypresident #ThisIsAmerica #lockhimup #resist #donaldtrump #imstillwithher #AuntieMaxine #impeachtrump
Love her or hate her, Omarosa’s White House recordings are very real and have information that could be trouble for the Trump Administration. I made it plain on HLN’s “Across America with Carol Costello,” Omarosa could be this administration’s Deep Throat! (Full clip at #Omarosa #OmarosaUnHinged #OmarosaTapes #DonaldTrump #HLN #TV #commentator
#igot5onit Yes #AngelaRye
__________________________________________ #RegistertoVote #Omarosatapes #BlueWave #vote2018 #iwillvote #treason #TrumpHate #funnymeme #receipts #NeverAgain #maga #Omarosa #blackgirlmagic #true45 #illegitimateTrump #trumprussia #LawrenceODonnell #tapes #ChrisCuomo #RachelMaddow #nigger #notmypresident #ThisIsAmerica #lockhimup #resist #donaldtrump #imstillwithher #impeachtrump
#LordyMoreTapes The reality show presidency continues. Can't wait to see how it ends. Conald is fuming so much he asked the AG to arrest Omarosa, so she must have something they're worried about. She already told Mueller. Lara Trump offered $15,000 a month to keep her quiet. Campaign funds from "small-dollar" donors." Illegal?
#AbuseOfPower #ObstructionOfJustice
#OmarosaTapes #Omarosa #Unhinged #TrumpIsARacist #JimMorin @morintoon #NickAnderson #SlyngstadCartoons @slyngstad_cartoons #Cartoons #CoffeeAndCourtney #ComicRelief #SafeComicSpace #PoliticalCartoons
The N word...
#DonTheCon has tweeted 25 times in 24 hours, 7 of which disparaged #Omarosa. For those of you who haven't heard my story, I sat in front of Conald for 5 hours at a live Grammy's taping at Radio City Music Hall. I personally heard him use the N word at least 4 times during the event. The entire time he spewed the most racist, misogynistic bullshit I have ever witnessed. #TrumpIsARacist #OmarosaTapes #Unhinged #RacistInChief #TrumpTweets #MAGA #SarahSlanders #ClayJones @clayjonz #SlyngstadCartoons @slyngstad_cartoons #DanaSummers #GaryHuck #Cartoons #CoffeeAndCourtney #ComicRelief #SafeComicSpace #PoliticalCartoons