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‘... Yeah this was one hell of a party
Nobody ever got to bed
But the morning after's killing me
And I have to rest my head...’ One Hell of a Party; Air (2007)...sleepover at my sister’s house. Movies all night. Sausages for breakfast. Think I’m going back to the big bed for awhile...
#air #onehellofaparty #sleepover #sleepovershenanigans #songoftheday #dailymusic #musicdaily #dailysong #pupper #betterwithsausage #yorkiepoo #yorkiesofinstagram #3bcatsfurriends #yorkiepoosofinstagram #dogsofig #dogs #dogsofinstaworld #mydog #cutedogs #instadaily #instadailyphoto #dailyinsta #dailyinstagram #dailydog #doggy #instapet #dailybarker #deepthoughts #deepthoughtsbyandy #andythedog
Congratulations to one of my best friends and favorite couple ever!! ❤️Couldn’t be happier for you guys and ur family! Thank you for having me be a part of ur special day and for one amazing weekend of celebrating! I love you two so much! @c_stenholt @rizkeemusic #lombardiparty #kenosha #bestweddingever #onehellofaparty #freezingcold
It's been a crazy amazing week so far. From finally being legal a.k.a 21, riding a bull on my birthday, super hectic weekend at Prime 68, another party afterwards, got a nice rewards from the competition we had earlier and last but not least, doing it with my closest friends here! Can't wait to see what's gonna happen next! 21 here we go! #finallylegal #finally21
#birthdayweekend #onehellofaparty #cheerstomanymore