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Keep showing up day after day, even if some of those days are “bad” crappy days or you simply don’t feel like it!
It doesn’t always have to be the best effort you bring to the table, just bring whatever you’ve got-it’s still effort!
Coming back for more day in and day out is #winning
Success is failing time after time and NOT losing sight of what you’re after!
Persistence is what’s going to get you closer to your goals each day!
#SloanesSquad #PancakesandPushups
Absolutely incredible results from my client @christinajenm
We have been working One on One together for 11 weeks - through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years - and she has managed to drop over a pound a week eating a baseline of around 1700 calories.
She has not been perfect, she eats out, enjoyed her holidays and has managed to sustain her progress.
Christina says, “I am overall happy with my progress and believe being flexible is my success, even when eating out. These pics were actually taken in the evening after a full day of eating, lol. Before I would never.” THIS is what enjoying the process is all about! Enjoyment=Sustainability. Sustainability=Consistency=Results
All of my nutrition principles are taught in my Kickstarter Plans along with 12 week video guided workouts designed for you to burn fat and build muscle. #SloanesSquad #PancakesandPushups
Join us on Sloane’s
⭐️Live a BALANCED life.
⭐️Eat what you like in MODERATION.
⭐️STOP with the “diet starts Monday”
⭐️QUIT beating yourself up over enjoying certain foods over the weekend.
⭐️Be restrictive, not restricted.
⭐️⭐️Most importantly, do what makes you HAPPY, HEALTHY and FEEL the best! .
You CAN have it all! YOU are in control and you have the power to do it!
I have worked hard on all of the above and feel like I’ve made leaps and bounds!
What’s the hardest thing for you that you’d like to improve upon?
#SloanesSquad #PancakesandPushups #mondaymotivation
Client sees on Instagram how much I weigh.
She emails me to ask me what size jeans I wear. She then asks, “how can we weigh the same but you are 2-3 sizes smaller than me in jeans?”
Answer - I have more muscle mass and less body fat. —
2 people can weigh the exact same amount but #1 can have 22% body fat and #2 14% body fat, hence 2 completely different body compositions. —
Muscle is more dense than fat, therefore it takes up less space in the body. So even though they both weigh the same (yes a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat), you can have 2 completely different physiques. —
Take home point lift weights whether you’re trying to lose weight or not. Get on a program that provides you with progressive overload. Build as much muscle as you can. Women, I promise you will not get “bulky”Stop trying to become a smaller version of yourself by performing only cardio. Not only will you burn more overall calories over time with more muscle mass but you’ll be sculpted, toned, tight, whatever you want to call it - which is the look most people are sought after.
#SloanesSquad #pancakesandpushups
Depending on your weight, goals and other stats, protein should range from .6-1.4g of body weight. That’s a big window! The leaner you are, the more you should be consuming. Hence, we are all individuals and cookie cutter diets don’t work! -
A 200 pound person with 40% body fat does not need the same amount of protein than a 130 pound person with 20% body fat. — -
Why is protein so important? It preserves muscle mass, it helps build new muscle, and it’s the most satiating macronutrient, meaning, it’s going to keep you fuller longer. And no, more isn’t always better, finding what works for YOUR body is always best! .
- -
Are you consciously aware of how much #protein you consume?
#SloanesSquad #pancakesandpushups
Learning how to count macros and follow a flexible dieting plan may not be or everyone but it definitely was a deal breaker for me. —
And while it has benefited me in SO many ways, one huge factor is that it made me realize how much food I can actually eat and not only look better but FEEL better! —
I hear so often from clients, “Wow! This is so much food, will I still lose weight?” And over time I usually hear the same response: “I can’t believe how much I’m able to eat and actually lose weight. I’m so happy.” —
Starving yourself is probably the worst thing you can do for your body and what’s worse is that it doesn’t necessarily bring the results you’re looking for or bring the happiness you think it may bring. —
Sustainability is key. Calories should be as high as possible while still in a deficit when looking to lose weight. It will give you room when you plateau and make the diet easier to sustain, hence LONG TERM healthy lifestyle! —
Losing weight is not only about what you look like. It’s also about how you FEEL! #sloanesSquad #PancakesandPushups
♀️Hello to all of you there who is following me with interest, love and who’s aim is to live a healthy life! Since most of us are having a battle⚔️ with chronic diseases such as;
⛔️Severe Obesity
⛔️İnsulin Resistance
⛔️Cancer...and many more
⏰Every day, we make choices about the food we eat and our lifestyles✅ We can make choices for ourselves and our families that make a real difference to our ability to remain healthy and active now, and enjoy life to its fullest in the future
☯️Never forget and always repeat this to yourself that “İTS NOT A SHORT TERM DİET, İTS A LONG TERM LİFE STYLE CHANGE
#onlinediet #onlinedietitian #onlinedietplan #onlinedietcoach #edagilanlıoğlu #eathealthy #healthyfood #healthyliving #healthylivingtips #healthylifestyle #worldhealthorganization #healthyeatinghabits #nutritionist #dietician #in #cyprus
@diyetisyentamaysahin Herkese merhaba ☺️
Havuçlu tarçınlı çiğ top kek getirdim size. Ne tatlı ne tuzlu çok hoş bir tadı var.
Malzemeler : -16 adet için
80-100g rende havuç
6 adet hurma
3 yemek kaşığı badem unu
1 çay bardağı fındık ya da ceviz
İçi için 1 çk tarçın
2 yemek kaşığı yer fıstığı ezmesi
3 yemek kaşığı hurmayı ıslattığınız suyu ——
Havuçları rendeleyin.
Blenderdan ıslatılmış ve yumuşatılmış hurmaları, yer fıstığı ezmesini ve badem ununu karıştırın. Homojen hale gelince blenderdan alın ve havuç rendesi ile karıştırın.
Blenderdan bu sefer fındıkları geçirin. Karışımına fındıkları da ekleyin.
Top top yapıp, yağlı kağıda serdiğiniz tarçına bulayın.
10 dk buzlukta- 1 saat dolapta bekletin.
Afiyet olsun
#onlinediyet #onlinediyetisyen #onlinediyetprogrami #onlinediyetisyenim #onlinedietcoach #personeltrainer #healthyfood #healthylifestyle
#diyet #diyetteyim #diyetteyiz #diyetidiyetisyenyazar #diyetyemekleri #diyetlistesi #diyettarifler #kilovermekistiyorum #kiloverme #diyetisyen #diet #dietitian #dietfood #dietplan #dieting #foodplan #sağlıklıbeslenme #sağlıklıyaşam
#balkabaklılaştıramadıklarımızdanmısın • @diyetisyentamaysahin Çarşamba tarifi ile karışınızdayım. Çok sevdiğim bir tatlı olan balkabaklı cheesecake. Hemde fit
Tabanı için:
1 yemek kaşığı yulaf ezmesi
6 adet küçük hurma (sıcak suda bekletilmiş ve yumuşatılmış)
2 tam ceviz
1 çay kaşığı pumpkin spice baharatı (isteğe bağlı. Bu baharatı oluşturmak için 4yk tarçın, 2 yk zencefil, 4 yk muskat, 2 tk yenibahar ve 2 tk karanfil)
Hepsini blenderdan geçirip macun kıvamına gelince. Küçük pasta kalıbınız varsa yağlı kağıda serip ya da kabınızın tabanına sıkıştırarak yayın.
Orta kreması için;
1 yemek kaşığı tepeleme labne
1 tatlı kaşığı bal
1 yumurta
Yarım paket vanilya
1 yemek kaşığı tam buğday unu (ya da Hindistan cevizi unu ya da badem unu)
Labne ile bal çırpılır. Ardından yumurta Azar azar ilave edilerek karıştırılır. Daha sonra vanilya ile un eklenerek çırpınmaya devam edilir. Alt tabanın üstüne dökülür. İçine daha önceden haşladığımız parça balkabağından konur. Önce 200°’de 10 dakika daha sonra 100°’de 30 dakika daha pişirilir.
Üstü için;
Bir ay dilimi haşlanmış balkabağı püre haline getirilir. Fırından aldığımız cheesecake soguduktan sonra üstüne sürülür, ceviz ile süslenir.
#onlinediyet #onlinediyetisyen #onlinediyetprogrami #onlinediyetisyenim #onlinedietcoach #personeltrainer #healthyfood #healthylifestyle
#diyet #diyetteyim #diyetteyiz #diyetidiyetisyenyazar #diyetyemekleri #diyetlistesi #diyettarifler #kilovermekistiyorum #kiloverme #diyetisyen #diet #dietitian #dietfood #dietplan #dieting #fittarifler #sağlıklıbeslenme #sağlıklıyaşam