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Positive Gedanken und Handlungen bringen positive Dinge und Menschen in dein Leben
Wenn du neuen Sachen gegenüber aufgeschlossen bist und die sich dir bietenden Gelegenheiten nutzt, anstatt immer skeptisch zu sein und zu glauben nur weil etwas die letzten 20 Jahre so war, kann es jetzt nicht anders sein - dann wirst du die wundervollsten Momente ever erleben✅
Sei offen für neue Chancen und lass neue Leute in dein Leben. Du bist der Durchschnitt der 5 Menschen mit denen du die meiste Zeit verbringst
Frag dich mal, was kannst du von diesen 5 lernen, haben sie eine Einstellung die dich weiter nach oben bringt, oder wollen sie dass du auf dem gleichen Niveau bleibst? Wenn nötig, tausche deinen inner circle aus, denn er hat großen Einfluss auf dich.
Hab eine positive Grundeinstellung und dein Leben wird fantastisch✌
Ich wünsche dir viel Erfolg
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The first hurdle to starting your service based business is getting your first client. It's time to realise that by offering your service for free and focussing on networking rather than making some quick money, you can get a powerful case study from a big name brand and your business will grow 10x faster than anyone else.
Approach things the right way and you're setting yourself up for success. You never see aircrafts make a sloppy approach to a runway. Run with the same mindset in your business.
If you found this post helpful, follow me @businessfather for more similar posts.
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I am not some chick on the internet.
I am the CEO of a seven-figure business.
The employer of nine people.
Business coach to hundreds.
Influencer to thousands.
I treat my business like a business... because it is.
I have policies and contracts and standard operating procedures because this is a real fucking company.
An important shift I made early on in my journey is seeing everyone I encountered as another business.
I didn’t make fun of other people, because that’s not what Elon Musk would do.
I didn’t break contracts, because that’s not what Oprah would do.
I didn’t run from my responsibilities, because that’s not what Zucks would do.
If we want to be treated like a “real” business we need to act like one.
That means planning.
That means executing.
That means sticking to your guns.
And never letting someone make you feel like some chick on the internet.
We are the next generation of business leaders. It may not feel that way to you now, and I know it didn’t feel that way to me when I first moved to Bali.
But a year and a half later I have a million-dollar business that’s been featured in Forbes and Business Insider, and allows me to travel the world with the love of my life.
In my Forbes article I talked about thinking and taking action like a six-figure business owner before I even was one.
Some of us just need to think like a business owner. Period.
Go big.
Go bigger.
And then go bigger again.
You were born to do this.
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Here’s what I know to be true: when you DECIDE that something will be yours, nothing can stand in your way.
It doesn’t matter if it’s love, money, fame, or success — when you make a decision that something will be yours, it’s a done deal.
So challenge yourself, if I knew that I was for sure going to get this thing that I want (six-figure business, love of my life, adventure around the world): how would I show up?
Would I quit?
Say it’s too hard?
Tell myself maybe next year?
Um, hell no.
The only way to not get what you want is to not even try. If you were 100% certain that you were getting your desired outcome then you would show up, put in the work, and TRUST that it was coming right at the perfect moment.
It’s time to get locked in and decide on your business success, sister. No more waiting and wishing, just deciding and conquering.
I would love to be a part of your journey, so become a Founding Member of The Academy (link in bio) where you’ll have:
12 month membership to The Academy
⏰ Monthly Masterclasses + Live Trainings from me & my team
❓ Weekly Q&A Sessions/Office Hours
♀️ A team of Support Coaches
24/7 Facebook community
Discounts on my courses/programs/masterminds/live events
All for just $197/month, with that low rate locked in for life. When we relaunch this program again in a few months the price will go up to $297/month and you will have missed out on Founding Member pricing!
I wouldn’t wait :) Send me a DM if you have any questions!