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they aren’t really your friends if they exclude you :( of course, you might want to hang on to them, but you can do so much better! <33
Comment your advice below! ❣️♀️
Send me your confessions, stories and unpopular opinions!
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#confessions #stories #dmconfessions #aesthetic #story #opinion #cute #getmeto4k #3k #explorepage #unpopularopinions #agree #disagree ➳
Try confronting him about it, if he loves you he will understand why you are upset♡ Also my theme idea is from @tea.fesses ! If you dont want me to use this idea just dm me♡ Its your idea so im cool with it
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Siempre va a existir la gente que nos brinda opiniones sin ser pedidas ➡ frases típicas:
☑ "Estás muy flaca" ☑ "Estás más gordita"
Y muchas otras más .. Es difícil, pero está en nosotros cuanto nos afecte esas opiniones, cuidemos nuestra esencia y nunca dejemos de vestir y hacer lo que nos gusta . #cambiodehabitos #nodieta #opinion #mentespoderosas #mentepositiva #psicologia #flaca #obesidad #amorpropio #vivirsano #vivesanosefeliz #vivesaludable
Im not good with relationship advice, what does everyone think they should do?
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